⭐️Twelve- Scary Man!⭐️

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Jimin got into the car with a small lunchbox. He sighed, "My entire lower body is sore." He whined and turned the car on and began driving. He was fallowing the small GPS on his phone.

One thing you didn't know is that when Chen goes to the gym, he gets up before everyone else, and won't call or text all day, then comes home late at night and takes a shower and goes to bed.

Grandma says he's always been like that. And nobody knows what gym he goes to, cause he refuses to tell them. And the only people who know why he keeps it a secret is Grandma, Min-Jung, and MiSo. That's it.

The family is very secretive, even towards BTS, though it might sound crazy.

When Jimin finally arrived he smiled and grabbed the small green box and waddled inside. Loud music boomed in his ears as men and women all worked hard to earn there muscle or lose weight.

He walked through the room, front and back. But not once did he spot Chen. "Now I'm going in circles!" He whispered under his breath as he noticed he's been seeing the same guys.

"You looking for someone?" A tall girl asked and Jimin nodded. "I'm not sure if you know him, but his name is ChenYoung." Her eyes got wide as she quickly nodded, "Everyone knows him, he's a good friend around here. So who are you exactly?" She asked suspiciously.

"I'm his boyfriend, Jimin." She froze and just stared at him. "H-His What?" She asked him, she cleared her throat and shook her head, "I-I mean I deeply apologize for questioning you sir!" She bowed 90 degrees. "Fallow me!" She waved him.

Jimin was confused but didn't mind it, as long as Chen got his lunch, and Jimin got a good view of him working out, everything was good.

She lead him to a janitor's closet, then she pushed over a few clothes that where hanging up on a wrack and pulled out a necklace with a small key.

After unlocking the door she walked down a dark basement with light at the end, and loud voices all yelling and laughing. Jimin didn't feel scared as he could hear Chen's voice saying something, then everyone screamed, "Cheers!"

But when they reached the bottom, he was terrified. Men as tall as Chen, and maybe even taller where in this room. They where of all different races and colors, but all spoke the same language. They all where big with muscle and scars and bruises. They where covered in tattoo's from head to toe and where drinking and smoking. Guns and knives strapped on there bodies where quite obvious.

Think about it. Being in a room with people ten times bigger, stronger, and meaner than you. And they have most likely killed a few people.

And when the girl pat his shoulder and and ran up the steps, he was left alone. Swallowing his spit, he slowly started walking towards the crowd.

They slowly turned around and stared down at him. "Who the fuck is this?" "Why is there a kid in here?" "Aww, Charles look how cute he is!" "Sexy little thing isn't he?"

Jimin held on tighter to the green box of food and held it to his chest with fear. They slowly let him pass, he could feel there glares.

He yelped as someone had pinched his butt, and everyone began surrounding him. "Your a cutie, aren't yah?" A tall woman with a dark navy blue sexy dress asked while puffing out smoke into his face. Jimin coughed.

A man smacked his butt, "Thick as fuck to." "Damn I wouldn't mind getting a piece of that!" "Hay little fella, whatcha doin' down here?"

"Whats in the box?" A woman asked and tried touching it. Jimin felt overwhelmed, and tried protecting the box by turning away and holding it tighter. He shrunk down as his hands began to shake and his eyes got wide.

Innocent Fighter- (Jimin x Male reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon