⭐️TwentyTwo- Singer?!!⭐️

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He drove into the crowded parking lot and waited in line, finally they pulled up next to the red carpet. (ChenYoung has an extremely nice black car, use your imagination)

Jimin looked over and smiled, they leaned towards each other and kissed, then put there foreheads together. "I'll miss you." Jimin whispered, "I'll miss you too. Now, go steal the audience." He laughed. Jimin nodded and looked at him one last time while opening the car door he stepped out and turned around when he heard his name being called.

Chen was holding up his phone in his hands with a smirk, Jimin quickly leaned over to grab it but Chen moved his hand quickly and leaned forward making them kiss.

Jimin didn't back away knowing it would be there last shared kiss for the rest of the day. He gently put his hand on Chen's jawline and tilted his head. "I think your fans are getting eager to see you." Chen whispered. Jimin groaned dreading to walk away.

He kissed Chen again, moaning a little, then finally backed away and slowly took his phone with a pout. "Now smile, your beautiful." Chen pecked his lips again before Jimin finally stood up properly and waved one last time before closing the door.

He fixed his shirt so it hung loosely on his shoulders, then he counted to three in his head and swayed his hips while walking and waving at the camera's. He posed a few times for the camera's then continued walking down the red carpet.

Chen slowly drove out of the parking lot and onto the road, then he played some of his favorite songs.

He sang along, his voice was so smooth and calming, and manly at the same time. He sang each note and lyric of the songs, harmonizing with the singers on the radio's easily. His voice held power, you could easily tell.

He finally pulled up the company and got out. He walked up to his office and froze, he could hear music...not just any music, his music. It was one of the songs he regretted ever making, 'Often'.

He quickly opened the door and there stood Jackson, Felix, and Bobby. He smiled and they hugged happily. "Yah! Turn that shit off before someone hears it!" He said acting mad. They laughed and turned it down, "Come on, I know you like that song. And to be honest I do to, it's catchy." Jackson laughed and Chen rolled his eyes while sitting down at his desk.

"Where's my papers?" He asked looking confused. "We already finished them." Felix smiled, "And now we want you to do something for us in return." He smirked. "What?" Chen asked seriously not trusting his friends one bit.

"Well...it's been a while since you last sang those songs right? And your voice has improved now that you went through puberty. You've matured a lot, so we want you to record them again." Bobby explained and he quickly shook his head.

"Hell no!" He said, "Why?" Jackson asked sitting on his desk. "Because, that's not my thing..." he simply said. The three boys looked at each other and nodded. They knew he loved to sing, he did all the time when they where kids. But his father always said that he couldn't become a singer...and he...well he beat him any time he caught him singing. So Chen never sang again.

"Your father isn't around anymore." Bobby said, "Yes he is. And he's here, though we made a deal, he shouldn't be around anyone at the shop." Chen said making them all glare, "I'm so done with this guy. I might just send one of my top guys after him." Jackson said angrily. "I don't mind." Chen said not looking up from his blue binder that held his schedule.

"Good because I might have been thinking about it for a while. It's going to take a while and some work and money, but I'll get it done boss." Jackson gently pat his shoulder. "But come on dude, we have been having fun in the studio, please?" Felix sat in his lap and whined.

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