⭐️Sixteen- Fun Day with BTS⭐️

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Jimin sat on the couch next to all of the members with a wide smile on his face. They had a day off and where watching some random old videos of BANGTAN that ARMY made and looking at memes.

"I still don't know what made me think it was a good idea!" Hoseok laughed, Yoongi wanted to sleep so badly but just couldn't because every time he closed his eyes a funny meme of him came on the screen. He groaned as one came up of him making an ugly duck face.

The boys all laughed at him as he sunk down in his seat. Jimin looked over at Jin who was bright red from his last meme. "It's ok hyung!" He laughed and hugged him, "I cant believe ARMY would let such an ugly angle of my face, with the wrong lighting and everything, trend on Twitter! Even the Dolly Parton saw it!" He whined.

He looked up at the ceiling trying to hold back his tears, Jimin started fanning him, "Oh my god, this is so embarrassing! Dolly Parton saw me in my worst form! I had just waken up, my skin looks like a ghost, my hair was tangled, and I just- ugh!" He said disgusted of himself. "I can't believe I let my guard down like that!" He said.

Jimin listened and nodded, "I understand. Girl I would be crying if Dolly Parton saw my meme- Wait..." he froze... "Remember when I gave Tony that yogurt?" He asked and Jin nodded. Then both of there eyes got wide, "He couldn't drink milk!" Jimin covered his face.

"Oh my god!" Jin died at the spot. Dolly Parton and now Tony. "What if ChenYoung sees one of your memes? What if Lisa saw one?" Jin choked back a laugh as Jimin looked at him with a face red as a tomato. "Goddamnit!" Jimin threw a fit in his spot.

"Lisa would probably post it on Facebook and shit, while Chen would save it as his wallpaper!" He whined While Jin laughed. "Shut Up! You can't be the one to laugh, not only did Dolly Parton see your meme, but so did Blake Shelton!" Jimin said and the whole room got quiet.

"What?" Namjoon asked. "How do you know that?" He asked. "I saw Blake comment on it." Jimin said and Jin screamed making them all cover there ears. "BLAKE SHELTON SAW MY POST? MY FUCKING FUTURE HUSBAND!" Jin cried.

"Hay!" Namjoon said and Jin glared, "Oh come on Joon, we all know how much I love Blake. He's just so sexy!" Jin shivered at the thought. "Girlllllll I know." Jimin smacked his shoulder as they both giggled. "Bitch he is fine, and his voice. It makes just wanna take his-" "OK OK OK OK! Stop it! Go take your girl talk somewhere else!" Jungkook stopped them from saying any further.

"Whatever, your just jealous." Jin said and Jimin shook his head and smacked his lips, "Period Poo." Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Oh please, why would I be jealous when I have millions who will seriously let me punch them in the face?" He asked. "Because Blake has billions." Jin said, "What did you think the B in his name stands for?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook got quiet and shrugged, starting to get a little jealous. "Shit, little bunny over there really thought he could beat Blake Shelton. Even though many ARMY's won't admit to it, they know for a fact Blake Shelton is top of the list." Jin snapped.

"Girl Yeth!" Jimin said While adding a lisp. Jin did his squeaky laugh and pointed at him, before hitting his hand on his own thigh while laughing. "I just realized what you did!" He laughed and Jimin nodded. "Now turn it off! I don't wanna be reminded of the time we first debuted, we all looked terrible." He gagged.

Yoongi was the first to turn it off seeing his old picture coming on the screen. He cringed at the thought.

"Well What now? We have a whole day off." Taehyung said. "Let's go to the lake!" Jungkook said, "Then let's get ice cream!" Hoseok yelled. "And we can have a BBQ." Jin's mouth began to water at the thought of the delicious food.

Innocent Fighter- (Jimin x Male reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora