⭐️TwentyFour- Walkless⭐️

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Jimin woke up and groaned, he still couldn't feel his legs or waist. It was like everything was numb, like nothing was there. He looked over at Chen and smirked remembering last night. He saw a side of Chen....that nobody has ever seen before.

Seriously, I would know I'm the author.

He pulled himself closer to Chen and inhaled his scent, he not only smelled like honey and that manly musk he naturally had, but he also had some of Jimin's scent on him well. He covered his mouth to keep him some squealing in happiness.

Jimin didn't know how this even happened, how he was even in this position, but he wasn't complaining either.

Now he was sitting on top of Chen's stomach, his thighs on either side of the sleeping boy's waist, as his feet where tucked under his legs. He was looking down at Chen while letting his little soft fingers trace over his abs and veins. He licked his lips looking at his caramel treat, still able to taste the buttery deliciousness of the flavor in his lips.

Chen furrowed his eyebrows as he felt something, something weighing him down. He felt like there was a small sack of potatoes sitting on him, and a tiny bug crawling up and down his stomach and chest.

'Wait, bug?!'

He quickly opened his eyes and blinked in panic, but calmed down as he saw it was just Jimin. The boy hadn't even noticed he was awake and staring at him with a big smirk.

Jimin's eyes where squinted as they focused on every lump and bit of muscle they could spot, he licked his lips multiple times, as his tiny fingers traveled lower down Chen's body every time he made a full loop. He swallowed his spit and sighed while rolling his eyes in pleasure of his sight.

'Thank the lord, for allowing me to see such things.' He thought to himself and looked back down at Chen's resting body. He was just laying here breathing, that's it. No movement or struggle, nothing. Just peacefully sleeping, and yet his body could look like that?

Jimin couldn't possibly imagine what it looked like when he was working out. How he would go to the gym for hours and hours beyond end, and be tired out. How sexy could this man possibly look? Honestly it's like the surprises kept hitting Jimin in the face and knocking him over.

His eyes traveled down and so did his tiny finger, getting closer and closer to Chen's pants. He let the edge of his finger pick up the waistband of his shorts, and was slowly slipping his hand under Chen's underwear. Then a large hand wrapped around his and stopped him.

He jumped in surprise and quickly looked up, Chen was staring at him with an unreadable look. And boy did Jimin hate when he couldn't read people eyes, he couldn't guess what there next move was or what they feeling or thinking.

So how was he supposed to know if Chen was about to stop him, or help him? How was he about to know if Chen was about to cuddle him, or flip them over? How was he supposed to know if Chen was going to smile or smirk?


Jimin gulped at the silence in nervousness, 'I've been caught in the act..' he told himself, almost in a scolding tone. Chen smirked and squeezed his hand a little, "Wrong way." He said in his sexy, deep morning voice. Jimin nodded as his cheeks burned and turned red.

He wanted to crawl off of Chen and hide, but as you may have guessed, his legs weren't really in the right order. Chen let his large hands lift Jimin up by the waist, as he got into a sitting position and rested his back against the headboard.

He then gently sat Jimin back down in the same sitting position he was in earlier, then he smiled tiredly at him. "Good morning baby-boy." He said. Jimin had to stop himself from letting his eyes roll back and a moan escape his mouth.

Innocent Fighter- (Jimin x Male reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ