⭐️FortySix- Nerves⭐️

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"Finally you guys took forever!" Jin yelled as Chen and Jimin walked into the kitchen holding hands. "We only took twenty minutes Jin." Jimin rolled his eyes. "Can you guys never not make skin-contact?" Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows. "I'd rather keep him closer and pure so he won't get germs from you." Chen laughed as Hoseok posted up. "Come on then! Fight me!" He yelled.

Chen turned towards him and the boy ran away. "I was kidding!" He yelled and stood behind Yoongi. "Out of all people in this room you hide behind Yoongi? What's he gonna do? Make me fall asleep?" Chen asked. Yoongi wanted to protest but he couldn't. What would he do?

"Well who else?!" Hoseok asked. "Jin. I wouldn't fight him even if I really wanted to." Chen pointed at Jin whole the boy nodded proudly. "He knows not to try momma." He laughed while cooking the eggs. "I learned it the hard way." Chen sighed and sat down.

He gently pulled Jimin on his lap and rested his chin on his shoulder. "Say cheese!" Taehyung laughed hike holding up hid camera Jungkook got him for his last birthday. Chen and Jimin both smiled at the camera, he snapped a quick photo and giggled and showed Jungkook.

Jimin blinked and groaned, "I can't see!". The poor boy rubbed his eyes and blinked, but that small bright dot stayed in his eye sight. "It'll go away soon! Sorry hyung, I forgot to turn off the flash!" Taehyung giggled. "Aish!" Jimin yelled and hid his eyes in Chen's hoodie.

"So how have you guys been doing?" Chen asked gently running his hands threw Jimin's hair. "We've been doing pretty good. Me and Yoongi went to the Kitty Café down the street! And I made a friend, his name is Kibble. Though Yoongi didn't like him cause he said Kibble was stealing me away." Hoseok rolled his eyes as Yoongi furiously stood up.

"Because he was! He was flirting so much, the way he would purr and rub his tail on you! I couldn't just stand there and let it happen!" He yelled. Hoseok nodded while rolling his eyes, "Yes Yoongi. He was a very bad cat and you saved the day. Calm down." He opened his arms and Yoongi sat down next to him and hugged him. A small smile came to the smaller boys face as he melted in Hoseok's hug.

"Me and Taehyung have been doing pretty well too. We have mostly been staying home playing video games and reading. Taehyung doesn't like going out very much, but we plan on going to an Art Museum down the street next week." Jungkook smiled as Taehyung was so engulfed in his pictures.

"That's good." Chen mumbled and yawned. "Seriously?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "How the hell are you tired? You guys it's three in the afternoon!" He yelled. "We stayed up all night talking. Then I played the video game for a bit, then we went to sleep about....two-thirty in the morning?" Chen mumbled. "Understandable." Taehyung nodded as he and Jungkook have done the same.

Soon Namjoon walked in with a nervous smile. "Guess what?" He asked. Everyone looked at him with a questionable look. "Manager said he wants all of us to go to America for a few interviews on our relationships and new changes."

Everyone looked at each other while staying silent. "I don't know about that..." Taehyung mumbled. When they went to interviews they always got a few questions that they weren't comfortable answering and would get pressured. So they weren't quite ready for these either.

"Come on guys, he said if we aren't comfortable with something we are aloud to walk out on the interview at anytime. And we don't have to answer any questions." Namjoon assured them. "How long will you guys be gone?" Chen asked with sad eyes. He didn't want Jimin to be gone for so long.

"Well your going too." Namjoon smiled. "I- what?" He asked. "Your going too." Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows seeing Chen become nervous. "I- hmmmm- I don't think that's a good idea. You know with work and the wedding, all that stuff I think it's best if I just...you know stay here." Chen rambled on and on.

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