⭐️Thirteen- ARMY's Flirts⭐️

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Jimin watched as Chen came out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He walked into the closet and came back out with red basketball shorts and a gray hoodie. He looked at Jimin while holding up an empty hanger.

"Stole another shirt?" He asked and Jimin shyly nodded while hiding under the covers. Lately he's been obsessed with wearing nothing but one of Chen's button up shirts and underwear. Chen shook his head and looked around with a sad face.

BTS was back in business and had to return to Korea, and just as Chen promised, he came along. Now him and Jimin shared a tiny one bedroom apartment in the same building as BTS.

"I'll miss the shop." He mumbled under his breath. He heard a few giggles and looked up. Jimin was all the under the covers while constantly giggling. Chen walked closer to the bed curious of what he was doing.

When he lifted the covers quickly he saw Jimin playing on his phone....Wait...that was Chen's phone and Snapchat. He had posted all kind of weird looking photo's, the worst filters possible.

"Yah!" Chen snorted while looking at one of the filters he was using. It gave a mouth of a frog and squished his eyes, he had a huge nose with a large pimple on top. "What the hell?" Chen whispered. "Would you still love me if I looked like this?" Jimin giggled.

Chen stood wide eyed while staring at the phone, "Im being honest with you babe, I'd probably wouldn't talk to you if you looked like that. Like no offense, but holy shit you look scary." Chen mumbled.

Jimin had been recording to see his reaction, he looked back at Chen and said, "What?!" Chen quickly yelled, "Never mind! I'm sorry!" While running away. Jimin chased him through the house while throwing random items at him.

"You disgusting, rude ass, mother-fucker!" Jimin yelled while throwing dirty socks at him. "I said I was sorry twenty minutes ago! Stop yelling!" Chen begged hiding behind the couch.

"Baby I'll do anything! Just calm down!" Chen was almost in tears, he was surrounded by dirty socks, random shoes, bent hangers, two pillow cases, and a hot-dog that just came out of the fridge. Like who da fook throws a damn hot-dog?

Jimin paused and got quiet, "Anything?" He asked and Chen nodded. Jimin giggled, "Ok." His voice was back to its normal cute one and he smiled and ran to the room.

Chen slowly peeked from behind the couch, then he sighed and sat back down. His hair was messy and he was out of breath. 'I love him to death, but goddamn we have to get him emotions under control.' He thought.

Jimin would constantly have mood swings, steal all of his shirts and hoodies, have random melt downs, and would either want to cuddle or have space. And if Chen didn't cuddle him, then he'd throw a fit. And if he did cuddle him, then he'd also throw a fit.

But here's the main problem. Jimin didn't tell Chen when he wanted this things. He would stare at him, clear his throat, or walk around whistling. And Chen has to guess what he wanted.

'Get a boyfriend they said, it would be fun they said.' He angrily thought to himself while cleaning up all the random objects that Jimin had thrown at him. Sighing after he cleaned everything up he walked back into there bedroom.

Jimin was looking at the small camera he had set up while silently talking to ARMY's. Chen quickly turned around and went back into the kitchen.

It's not that he didn't like ARMY, he did. He thought they where amazing for how much they supported and protected the boys. It's just...they had really dirty minds. And flirted a lot.

And they asked questions that made Chen uncomfortable. Kind of like Lisa did. He hated it when they pointed out that Jimin had a hickey or was limping or had swollen lips. And he really hated the fact that they kept making these things called Smut FanFiction's.

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