⭐️Fourteen- Concert⭐️

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Jimin sat in the chair trying to keep still, he couldn't stop moving cause of how exited he was. This was going to be the first concert of the year, and he is going to finally see ARMY after so long!

The other members where blabbering about there day and how happy they where to hear ARMY's happy shouts again.

After they all got there hair and makeup done and got dressed, the boys all walked under the stage and onto there platforms. They got in there positions as the platforms began raising up, the music started loudly as fire blew up the edge of the stage.

ARMY screamed louder than they ever have when the boys finally came on stage. They began singing, rapping, dancing, pushing each other, pranking each other, throwing confetti at ARMY, and pouring water on each other.

After a few songs and speeches it was Jimin's turn to make a speech. He smiled and said, "HELLO ARMY!" And they all screamed 'hello' back. "I missed you guys so much!" He smiled brightly. "I want to thank you guys so much for getting us here. Seven years ago I could dream of being in the spotlight. But I could never dream of being an idol of millions." He smiled, he was proud of himself for practicing his speech so much. His words came out loud and clear and ARMY was having panic attacks in the crowd.

"But now here I am, on a stage in front of more than sixty thousand fans, who are all supportive, kind, creative, loving, and most of all.....LOVELY!" He screamed loudly making ARMY cheer and the boys laugh. "I'm one of the most happiest boys on earth! I don't know about you lovely people, but I think I'm pretty lucky to have so many loving people, don't you think?" He asked. ARMY agreed, "And I want to say my love goes out to Eomma, Appa, Grandma, and ChenYoung."

ARMY cheered loudly, making the ground rumble and the boys looked at each other impressed. Then one girl began chanting ChenYoung's name, and the rest soon fallowed.

Jimin smiled the biggest smile ARMY has never seen before. It held admiration, adoration, happiness, shyness, proudness, and something nobody could truly understand. He had a large glow on his face as the spotlight hit his skin perfectly.

"Do you guys...maybe...wanna see him?" He asked slowly when ARMY finally got quiet. They cheered all screaming, "Yes! Yes we do!" He smiled and looked at Namjoon who quickly nodded.

Namjoon and Jin where holding hands with a deep blush on there faces. They had already revealed that they where happily dating. And honestly, ARMY where more happy about that than they where Jimin and Chen - I mean come on, ARMY worked hard on shipping them for the past nine and a half years. And it finally came true!

Jimin smiled and ran off of the stage to look for Chen. The staff kept glancing at him and holding back their laughter. "Where did he go?" He asked his hair stylist who shook her head. "He got stage fright and didn't want to go out, so now he's hiding. I'm quite surprised you haven't found him yet, he's to big for his hiding spot." She laughed to where she dropped her makeup brush and couldn't stand anymore.

Jimin looked around slowly trying to find where this big boy could be hiding. And finally one of the staff couldn't take it anymore and laughed while pointing at a clothing wrack. And there he was, hunched over in a small ball on the ground, with a pair of pink pants on his head.

He tried blinding in so badly, but did a terrible job at doing it. Jimin laughed while running over to his hiding spot. He crouched down next to him, "What ya doin?" He asked making Chen jump.

He laughed, "Why are you hiding?" Chen shrugged, "I wasn't hiding, why would I be hiding? I was just....looking at these amazing pants? Yup, this is just, the art and the flavor of these colors, just amazing." He said nodding his head while looking at the pink pants.

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