⭐️Thirty-One- Work!⭐️

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Jimin laid on the couch tired and sweaty, he took a deep breath and watched Chen put his pants and belt back on. He sat up and covered his body with a thin gray blanket that was always on the back of the couch.

"Can we please go again? I won't try to take you all in." Jimin asked and Chen shook his head, "You'll already have a limp like you normally would after sex, no round two." He said sternly.

But as he looked up and saw Jimin looking down at the floor with a blank face he sighed and smiled a little then sat next to him and brought him close.

"Babe I'm sorry." He said burying his face in Jimin's neck. "I just have to work, and you have a busy day tomorrow and I don't want to get you in trouble with your manager." He said gently. Jimin nodded his head even though he still felt a little sad. "I'll make it up to you I promise." He gently kissed his neck. "I know, I've just missed you so much." He said so quiet it almost sounded like a whisper.

"I missed you too." Chen whispered and started leaving small and soft kisses along his neck. Jimin closed his eyes and tilted his head to give Chen more room, "I...love..you...." he said between the small kisses. "I love you to." He replied.

Chen slowly stood up and went back to the balcony and grabbed the bottle of scotch and took a quick drink of it, "Back to work!" He mumbled and walked back inside.

Jimin wanted to stay in the living room but also wanted Chen near him, so they brought all of the work stuff into the living room. Chen sat on the floor and rested his back against the couch and pulled the table closer to him. While Jimin stayed wrapped up in the blanket, he rested his legs on either side of Chen's head and gently played with his hair.

"Fuck..." Chen mumbled catching himself falling asleep. He rubbed his eyes and his body tensed up as he tried working again. Jimin left tiny kisses on his neck and whispered, "Calm down, your to stressed to concentrate." Chen took a deep breath and leaned into Jimin's touch.

He began working again, and within two hours he was finally done, and Jimin managed to stay awake the whole time. He slowly began organizing the folders, then sent all of the emails after writing them, and cleaned the mess up.

Jimin got up and walked to bed waiting for Chen to fallow along. Then they both got under the covers fell asleep.


Jimin stretched with a frown, knowing he'd wake up alone once again. He craved Chen's touch and voice, he wanted so badly to hear the boys soft snores again. He missed waking up feeling his back warm like fire, with the soft and short breaths hitting his neck, arms around his waist. And yet he was still in this hotel alone.

'It was all just a dream.' He told himself.

But then he felt warmth on his back, hands wrapped around his waist, and soft snores in his ear. His eyes widened realizing it wasn't another realistic dream he had. 'I'm home with Chen!' He cheered in his head.

Jimin easily flipped over in Chen's arms so he was now facing him, then he kissed the boys tired lips. Chen some how woke up easily, his eyes could barely open.

"Oh my goodness, you look so tired!" Jimin said sitting up quickly and felt Chen's head. His body was a lot warmer than it normally was. "I'm fine, just a little-" but as he tried sitting up he ended up laying down again. "You have a fever!" Jimin said and quickly slipped out of bed.

He looked down, then quickly put on his underwear and hoodie while running out of the room. Chen forced himself up and looked at the time on his phone, he cursed under his breath. "I'm late!"

Innocent Fighter- (Jimin x Male reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat