⭐️One- Free Soul⭐️

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"Jimin hurry up!" Jungkook whined. His arms where burning from holding all of Jimin's bags, the short man continued grabbing two more suitcases and three more bags before turning around. "What?" He asked. "Why do you have so many bags?!" Jin asked helping Jungkook. "We are here for six whole months! I came prepared!" Jimin grunted and grabbed some bags before running inside leaving the rest of his bags behind.

"This guy I swear." Namjoon mumbled while grabbing some bags as well. They all brought them inside where a nice young woman brought them to there rooms. After finally getting settled in there rooms the boys headed back downstairs.

They all sat along a large wooden table on the tall stools. An older woman in her late forties walked in with a bright smile. She had on a dark pink button up shirt with white flowers on it, then some soft jeans and white converse. Her gray hair was tied in a soft and slick bun.

"Why hello boys! We have been waiting for you guy's all day!" She smiled and laughed while washing her hands at the sink. The boys all smiled back. "Hello Grandma, Sorry we took so long. But someone decided it was a good idea to pack three years worth of clothes." Namjoon glared a Jimin who was paying attention to his phone.

Jungkook nudged Jimin and whispered, "What are you looking at?" "Its this guy look! He broke the world record for eating a thousand marshmallows..." he showed Jungkook. "Tonight me, you, and Taehyung will have to beat that record! Along with the ice record! Nobody can beat us!" They high fives.

"Well, I understand. My daughters are the same way." She mumbled back to Namjoon and Jin laughed his squeaky laugh.

"So what would you guys like to eat?" She asked, "I've been ready to cook since yesterday! I'm not sure why but I'm ready to cook a feast!" She said eagerly grabbing pots and pans and knives. "Yeah, she's been bugging all the customers. But nobody can eat that much. She's been on a roll with the cooking for some odd reason." Her daughter Mi-Jung sighed.

"Oh Mi-Jung I think I'm just a little exited for him to return home after so long." Grandma said softly. Her face changed and her voice became quiet and sad. Mi-Jung did the same thing and sighed. "We all are."

"For who to come home, if you don't mind me asking." Taehyung leaned forward as the boys waited and listened. "For my second youngest son to come home. For the past two years he's been out for work. He's an underground fighter." She trusted the boys with this information.

Since the last time (the first time) they where here, they already discovered so many of the families secrets, there was no reason to hide this one. Surely the boys wouldn't tell anybody. 

"Oh I didn't know one of your sons where an underground fighter!" Jungkook said excitedly. "Well you haven't met this one yet. He wasn't here last time you guys visited. But he will be here tomorrow." She smiled sadly. "Now enough of the sad talk! I'm ready to cook!" She yelled while clasping her hands together.

"Well that's good to know because we are seven growing men! And after three hours on a plane, two hours on a bus, and four hours in the car, we are starving!" Yoongi yawned. "I could eat a whole cow...." Hoseok whined and rubbed his growling stomach.

They began ordering food, the list going on and on and on. The old woman wrote things down quickly on the piece of paper, and after she finished there was a whole paper full of food she needed to cook.

She began chopping meat and fruit, mixing juices, blending veggies, boiling dumplings, and separating pees. She picked up fish and skinned them and fried them.

Finally when she was finished cooking she put the food on different plates in front of the boys. They all thanked her and began eating like a bunch of pigs.

Innocent Fighter- (Jimin x Male reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ