⭐️FortyOne- Wowser⭐️

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"So, they want to know how long you've been planning to propose." Jimin giggled while reading the comments on the live. "For the past two, maybe three months? I don't know, maybe like two and a half years? Plus three weeks?" Chen shrugged while the smaller boy laughed. "So since we first met?" He asked and Chen nodded eagerly.

"He's been in love with me since the beginning, but hay, who isn't?" Jimin bragged. He read the comments as ARMY began asking questions about the little accident he had yesterday.

"About that, I drank a little to much punch. But it's all good now...." he said nervously while reading the comments. "I'm not answering that....I was drunk! My brain wasn't thinking!" He started getting in an argument with ARMY. "Oh please, it was only because I was drunk I called him that! I don't just walk around saying it, get your heads out of the gutter please."

"You can't prove it!" He yelled at the camera. "But I can!" Chen yelled from the kitchen and Jimin gasped and ran further into the house. "Ignore him, he's lying. I swear on ARMY's Purple Heart, I don't say daddy often." He mumbled. Then Chen came around the corner and tackled him making the boy scream.

"Yes you do!" He giggled as Jimin tried justifying himself. "I do sometimes, only during sex I swear, and I've never-" "Don't lie, you normally wake me every morning by-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP CHENYOUNG!" Jimin whined.

"I'm just telling the truth." He mumbled and rolled over. They where now in there master-bedroom laying down on the bed. "You don't have to lie to them, they already know." He pouted and scooted away from the small fuming boy.

Jimin took deep breaths while closing his eyes, "I swear if you say one more thing, I will personally take away all snuggles, kisses, hugs, and most of all I will take away the-" but he paused when he saw Chen sulking on the edge of the bed.

The boy looked like a huge marshmallow, mixed with a baby. His cheeks where puffed out and his eyes where closed, mouth in a pout, and he was curled up in a ball. The smaller boy fiddled with his fingers now feeling bad with his terrible threats.

"Chen....Chennie....I'm sorry..." he mumbled and looked over at Chen who still hadn't moved from his sulking spot. "Hug?" Jimin asked. But Chen shook his head and sulked even more. "Kiss?" He asked. And of course, the sulking boy shook his head.

"I'm sorry." Jimin said again, but the boy hasn't moved or say a thing. So instead Jimin moved over and hugged him even though he shook his head, "Stop sulking! I'm supposed to do that!" He whined and squished his lips to Chen's cheek. "Mmmmmwwwwaaaaa!" He said kissing his cheek.

The boy couldn't help but smile and Jimin cheered. "I got him to smile!" He clapped his hands together. Chen opened his arms and made grabby hands at Jimin, who gladly took his hug. "I love you." He mumbled while gently moving the hairs on Chen's forehead. "I love you too baby." He mumbled back.

"You look super handsome, did you know that?" He smiled and kissed Chen's forehead. "And, your so warm and cuddly. Funny and kind. Perfect." He slowly and quietly. "My fiancé, future husband, is very strong and lovable. You somehow know how to always brighten my day, and your wise." He smiled as he saw Chen's eyes becoming droopy.

"You make me so happy all the time. And when I'm sad or depressed, you always know just how to make me happy. And your kisses are always filled with love. Your hugs are always so warm and comfortable. I don't think there is anyone more perfect than you." He whispered as Chen's quiet snores filled the room.

"I love you daddy." He whispered quietly for only him to hear and kissed Chen's lips one more time before grabbing a pillow and gently swapping himself out. Chen mumbled nonsense in his sleep while hugging onto the pillow and digging his face into the soft covers.

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