⭐️TwentySeven- Drunk, fight⭐️

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"Yo Chen! Over here!" Jackson yelled from across the room, Chen walked over and sat next to him. "What's up?!" Felix said and sat next to him, Bobby sat on his lap and said, "We have been waiting for you, so we can drink!"

Chen smiled and took a glass bottle, he then stood up and they walked onto the large plat form in front of the club. He was wearing his black tuxedo and his hair was cut and curled. He had his earrings in, light makeup, real nose ring, and a tongue ring. A small fake tattoo on his neck and another one on his knuckle.

"Hello everyone, I thank you all for gathering here tonight to honer my last win. Even though I struggled I still was able to stand and defeat him." He spoke clearly in the microphone. "Though I do apologize to my father and mother. I embarrassed my fathers family name as a Jr. and disappointed my mother right before her eyes."

"But I did get up, and I promise my next fight, I will not touch the ground." Small cheers came within in the room as he smiled slickly, "Next component is...." he said looking at the letter that confirmed who he would be fighting next. "Kim Jonghun Jr!" He called out the famous fighter name.

The entire room began screaming at the top of there lungs while holding there beers up, proud that there leader has gettin this far. Farther than his father. "Well, Junghun be prepared. Because when I step into the ring...." he smirked.

"I hold no mercy." He said calmly and raised his beer, "To my great, great, great, great grandfather, the first Joon ChenYoung of my family, to begun competing. We celebrate his name, and I shall win the championship in his name." He said calmly and everyone cheered while chugging down there drinks.

He drank half off it and spilled the other half onto the crowd which cheered, "Now, my dear family, friends from beyond, let's go back to old times now, shall we?" He asked. Everyone began dancing as the rap music played loudly without the club, they cheered and grabbed beers and cigarettes.

Chen, Jackson, Felix, and Bobby all stood on stage while lighting there cigarette's, "So, What now?" Chen asked and they smirked. "What now? I wander...." Bobby said thinking, they all four smirked knowing exactly what to do. "Let's go kill the bitch." Jackson smirked.

They all walked off of the stage and into the underground platform, which lead to stairs and into a long hallway. They walked through the dim-lighted hallway and into a bloody room.

A man with a bruised cheek sat in the room. He smirked seeing them walk into the room. "This is him, he offended Min-Jung and called her whore." Felix glared at him. Chen cracked his knuckles and stretched, "Its not a good day for you now is it?" He asked.

"I don't know pretty boy, what's your name? Huh?" The man asked, "I'll gladly tell my boss so he can kill all four of your ugly asses." He sneered. "As if you can say much about looks." Felix whispered.

"My name is Joon ChenYoung Jr, nice to meet you. And I'm not afraid of your boss, because he is a useless bottom. I'de know." Chen smirked remembering, "Honestly he was so whiny and needy. It was the first time I actually dumped someone in an relationship because he was so pathetic." He laughed. Felix tried giving him a baseball bat but Chin shook his head.

"I wanna feel his blood on my hands, nobody talks to my sister the way he did." Chen whispered and the boys nodded while backing away. He walked up to the man and grabbed his jacket bringing there faces close together, "Your not leaving this room alive. I'll have you hanged in front of your daughter." He smirked seeing the man's face drain.

This wasn't Chen, this was Mr. Joon. He was a different man down here, heartless. He didn't care about anything or anyone when he was working underground, there was no reasons for emotions. So he'd do whatever it takes to keep his position as a leader, even if it means making a family of the enemy suffer.

Innocent Fighter- (Jimin x Male reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin