Fast, Weird, and sticky

Start from the beginning

Pietro ran by Steve and knocked him over but he landed in a flip. "We have an enhanced in the field." Steve called into the comms. "Clints hit!" Natasha said trying to stop his side from bleeding. "Somebody wanna take care of that bunker?"

The hulk runs through and smashes it. "Thank you." She says. Peter sees Clint hurt and runs over. Natasha gets into a fighting stance but he puts his hands up in defense. "I'm sorry for what my brother did. I just wanna help." He reasoned. She pulled a gun on him. "Do what you need. But no funny business."

Peter went and mostly healed Clint. His side was still bleeding some but he would live. Natasha nodded at him and he ran off to find his siblings. "Drawbridge is down people." Tony calls into the comms.

"The enhanced?" Thor asks. "He's a blur. All the new player's we've faced, I've never seen this. In fact, I still haven't." He said. "There's another one. But I'll tell you about him in the quinjet." Nat said.

"Clints still bleeding pretty bad guys. We're gonna need an evac." Nat said. "I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner we're gone the better. You and Stark secure the scepter." Thor said. "Copy that." Steve replied.

Thor looked at the HYDRA tanks and soldiers. "It's like they're lining up." He said summoning lighting. "Well they're excited." Steve said as Thor hit his shield and send a bolt of lightning to take down the soldiers.

"Find the scepter." Thor said flying off. "And for gosh sake watch your language." Tony joked. Steve sighs. "That's not going away any time soon" Tony laughed.

Tony entered the base. "Guys stop. We gotta talk about this." Stark said firing flares to take down the soldiers. "It was a good talk." He quipped. "No it wasn't." One of the soldiers called. Stark found list and knocked him out.

Tony plugs JARVIS into the computer and steps out the suit putting it in sentry mode. Outside they are all done and packing up. Meanwhile steve has found Strucker. "Baron Strucker. Hydra's number one thug." Steve greets. "Tachnically, I'm a thug for SHIELD." He replied. "Well then technically, you're unemployed. Where's Loki's scepter?" Steve demands.

"Don't worry, I know when I'm beat. You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope." Strucker surrendered. "I'll put it right under illegal human experimentation." Steve didnt see wanda creep up behind him. "How many are there?" Before Strucker could answer, Wanda pushed Steve down the stairs. 

"We have a second enhanced. Female. Do not engage." Steve said into the comms after he got up. "You'll have to be faster than..." Steve knocked strucker out with his shield before he could finsh. "Guys, I got Strucker." Steve called into the comms. 

"Well I got something...bigger" Tony replied. Inside the secret passageway Stark finds a room with recovered artifacts from the Battle of New York, including a gigantic Chitauri leviathan and some of his Iron Man scrapped armor, he then spots the scepter. "Thor, I got eyes on the prize." 

Wanda creeps up behind him and uses her powers on him, suddenly the Chitauri comes to life, then Stark sees the rest of the Avengers team are all dead, he goes over to Steve's body to check his pulse when Steve suddenly grabs him by the arm. "You could've saved us." Before the vision could continue he was brought back to reality by a little boy.

He made some red and blue swirls with his hands that were mezmerizing. "Sorry about my sister. This will help." He said has he put the magic into starks head. He saw flashes of him and pepper, the team celebrating their win, and all of the happy and good things in his life. When it ended he mildly forgot about the first one. 

He summoned his iron hand, grabbed the scepter, but when he went to get the little boy a blue blur grabbed him and sped him away. Tony sighed then went to join the others on the quinjet. When he boarded he handed Thor the scepter and went the pilot seat. He set the coordinates for jarvis to pilot. 

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