"At the beginning, all I wanted was my freedom. Away from you. Of course because of our contract, our separation would cost me too much if I was to initiate it without a reason. So I got myself the reason. However strangely I no longer want your divorce only."He explained himself and you snickered once you understood what he meant.

"There are things that are up for sale and others that are not. If you are hoping that this will keep me quiet on the case related to MinHee. Then you don't know me well enough." You told him boldly as you stood up from your seat.

"Go ahead. You can put that video online. You can humiliate me, take your divorce and rip off me all the money you want. You think I am you? Did you really think I would put my public figure above her death?" You questioned him as your eyes shoot fire while looking at him. How dare he? How did he even for a second thought that you would betray her for the purpose of saving your own skin? After all these years of torturing thoughts and guilt, after all this time of searching for the truth and a way to bring her soul at peace, there was no way you would turn your back at her now.

What did it matter what people would think of you? What did it matter if your parents would disown you and hate you? It wasn't like their love had ever brought anything good to you anyways. It wasn't the first time you would be hurting on your own, so why would this one make a difference and scare you in any way? You had come so far just for the truth and especially now that you knew that her death wasn't suicide but murder, you in no way would ever be able to let this case be and leave whoever is at fault just get away with it.

"Y/N, you have no reason to be so stubborn. There is nothing you can do for MinHee. Listen to me. I know. Your tries are futile." 

"Shut up!" You snapped at him as your rage took the best of you, your emotions of hurt and anger fogging your logic and making you lose your calm composure.

"You can not tell me what is pointless and what not! You whom she loved so much! You whom never did anything for her! You have no right to speak of her name!" You yelled at him and TaeYong stood up from his seat, looking equally angered at that instant.

"Who do you think you are, talking and defining my emotions! You are not the only one that cared for her!" He stormed at you, having lost his control over himself as your words had managed to tick him off.

"I can see how much you cared about her. All you care about is yourself. Your figure, your status. I look at you and I just can't understand how could she be so blind to love someone like you. A heartless rotten human that could sell his own soul for profit...I am ashamed in her place..every time I look at you... I just regret in her place cause I am sure, she must have regretted it" You looked at him with disgust as you spoke, your gaze portraying the feelings you currently had for him and his actions and he fell quiet.

Your words were like poison that pierced through his skin and started affecting his blood, his mind, and his emotions. MinHee loved him but was he ever worthy of her heart? TaeYong always questioned that and found himself lacking but to hear that she would regret loving him, left a bitter taste on him. Because he had loved her back as much as he could. More than he had loved any woman in this life of his. Would she have regretted it and looked at him with the same gaze as you were if she was to see him now? Would she have thought that she wasted her life, dying to save him?

"All I did was try to survive. What's wrong with that?" He murmured to himself, his consciousness drifting between memories of the past and his emotions that were growing too powerful for him to control as the atmosphere between you, had somehow ended up in a heated argument.

"All I ever tried to do was live because she gave her life for mine! All I ever wanted was to give meaning to what she tried to protect! Because she loved me..because I-"He ended up spilling some words that he realized that he should not have spoken off as soon as they left his mouth, but it was too late, because you were now upon his neck, grabbing his collar.

Deceiver //PJM FFWhere stories live. Discover now