Chapter 28

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You had returned to your room without going back to the living room , not caring much about what will they think about your absence . You just weren't in a position to control your facial expressions the way you wanted to after what had happened with Jimin just some minutes ago.

You had locked your door and had changed your clothes and snuggled under  your blankets ,trying hard to fall asleep and forget about it. Forget about all the thoughts regarding him that had taken over your mind. Why was he doing this? If he knew well it is wrong and such a thing shouldn't happen. If Taeyong was a dear friend to him ,he shouldn't be behaving like he did with you that were his wife. But most importantly how could he be so bold and shameless about it. How could so firmly state that he is attracted to you as if he was saying a good morning. That wasn't something to say so casually or at least it wasn't for you as such a thing could really bring much trouble to your plans. 

You had no benefit from starting an affair with anyone because simply that would cost your father's company his independency as  a bussiness. According to the contract you two had signed and for which this marriage had been so greatly approved by your families, the two companies were to help each other grow after their two only children unite in marriage and if the marriage was to fall apart , the side which was at fault for the breaking of the contract would take over the company of the other, taking full control over the business . It was a dangerous contract indeed but you had agreed on this marriage for your own reasons and your father had agreed because he needed TaeYong's family support to achieve new highs for his company and of course he trusted you greatly and knew you would never be the one to break this marriage. 

Leaving aside the economical issue though you had a bigger personal reason why you didn't want to risk anything and that was revenge. You had sworn to be married to him forever and never let him be happy with whoever was that woman that he was seeing back then besides your friend. You would never allow them to be together and for that you were determined . 

However, even though your motivation and your goals were solid , the sensation of his kiss kept coming back in your mind, making your logical trail of thought slip into thinking about the taste of his lips. How soft they felt and how sweet, how much you wanted to taste them for a bit longer. You found yourself biting on your under lip as you unconsciously had ended up thinking about that again, your eyes closed, bringing the moment alive in your memory, your imagination waking up and creating a new development of the situation as you imagined him pulling away and instead of you running away as you did in reality, letting him continue instead, his lips lowering to your neck and slowly trailing kisses down your skin.

As that image flashed in your mind you opened your eyes immediately , feeling shocked with your own self and thoughts as well as embarrassed .  The heck...I need to distract myself.  You thought as you stood up and out of your bed , planning to take your mind out of this somehow but as you couldn't think of anything you just paced up and down your room for a moment before deciding to dress up and have a  walk around the garden,hoping that the cold breeze may bring you to your right senses.

You put on the first thing that came to your sight as soon as you opened the closet ,took your coat and stepped out of the room , not bothering to take your phone or anything else with you as you wouldn't be going anywhere. You silently stepped down the stairs as most of the stuff must have went to sleep by now, with exception the guards of course. You approached the main entrance and informed the two guards that were standing outside that you will be taking a walk around and you proceeded doing as you wished, walking around the perimeter of the house. 

You were thinking of nothing specific as you focused at the feeling of the wind and the silence of the night. Unfortunately there were no stars in the sky nor a moon tonight for if it was you would have probably stopped by the pool from where you passed and take a comfortable seat to watch them. With them being absent you hadn't much to do other than just keep walking at your slow pace just passing your time with hopes of getting sleepy soon. 

As you kept walking , you hadn't taken notice of your surroundings much till a light from a window on the first floor caught your attention. You knew well who's window it was as this was the side  where the staff's room were. You wondered why was he still up at this hour but even though you were curious for that , you felt hesitant to approach more. However you had to walk past there in order to make the full circle and reach at the entrance of the house again or you could just turn around and go all the way back . For some reason you found the second option more approaching even though it meant that you had to walk more and at that moment you understood why you had chosen it. Were you scared to face him? You? But you were his boss. It shouldn't be like this and somehow that fact really frustrated you.

 Who was he to make you feel intimidated just be a simple kiss? Plenty of men had tried to get their way with you at the past and you had managed them all skillfully , why was he an exception ? Your pride at that moment just felt wounded by your own reaction. You were a woman that had her emotions under control most of her life, no one was ever capable of getting out of you a reaction you yourself didn't want them to see yet here you were being a bit more carefree that you should with this man and acting emotionally instead of rationally that you mostly  do. How was he able to get you switch to that, you were still not sure however you weren't planning to let him have his way.  

Because if he is someone that can manipulate people's psychologies as skilled as he proved to do with you , then that guy is dangerous and you weren't planning to get in any trouble. The merman had charms but you won't fall for them. With those thoughts you held your chin up and puffed your chest and walked ahead, intending to ignore the fact that there was a window there all together.

 However as soon as you arrived there you couldn't help but look towards it, only to see what was going on inside as the curtains were wide open along with the window . A half naked Jimin was standing in front of his mirror, sweating and panting . He looked at his reflection and pulled upwards his pink hair that had stuck to his wet forehead and then he grabbed the bottle with water he had left at the side of the commode, taking a break from the exercises he was doing some seconds ago at the floor of his room. He stretched a bit his arm muscles after he left the bottle back down ,thinking of doing one more set of push ups but as his eyes fell on the mirror again , he took notice of someone standing outside his window, who's reflection was being projected at his mirror.

He turned around to see towards the window but you immediately hide, smuggling down to the ground . You held your breath so he wouldn't hear you and you panicked a bit as you heard his footsteps approaching . You looked up ,seeing him right above you , his eyes looking at the distance as you were praying that he would not look down and thanfully he didn't. He just closed the window instead and pulled the curtains closed , making you exhale in relief . 

After that you quickly stood up and left , thinking that this would have ended up in an embarrassing situation as it would look like you were spying on him or something which wasn't your intention.  However no matter what your intentions were this small occurrence had brought a big smile at Jimin's lips whom had noticed you but had decided to not bring you at a difficult spot for the moment. 

Nontheless he was happy because he was even more certain now that he wasn't irrelevant to you. And maybe you weren't as irrelevant to him as he would like to think either. Or at least that's what implied the stupid smile that had formed on his lips from the moment he had kissed you and the fact that he kept relaying it in his mind so much that he couldn't fall asleep and he had ended up doing exercises to occupy his mind with other thoughts. 

Thoughts that  didn't involve you, the way your lips taste or how he wished to do more things with you.

---To be continued.....

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