Chapter 36

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Author's Note: Larkin is one of the campers that made their way to the new Camp Half-Blood sometime before the Titans went missing. This is probably the only chapter he will be mentioned.

Larkin's POV

We don't know our parents. At least, most of us don't. Some of us were claimed before the Titans took over, but most of us didn't even know we were demigods then. I like to think I'm a son of Ares though, he's a pretty cool guy.

Anyways, I was beating up one of the Athena girls, or at least one of the girls who thinks she's a daughter of Athena. When suddenly there were signs appearing over everyone's heads, owls, doves, too many symbols to count.

Sure enough Cathy had an owl above her head. I looked up to see mine and noticed a spear above my head, claiming me as a son of Ares. Awesome, now I have an excuse to beat up people.

The shocked silence didn't last long before people started talking with their friends and their new found siblings, the original campers from before the exile tried to round up different cabins.

"Silence!" Chiron shouted above the noise," I want the elder campers to choose a place for their siblings to meet, younger campers please be quiet and meet them in the designated locations. Those of you without siblings or if you still don't know who your parent is, please meet at the Big House. I want all counselors and the soldiers to report for a meeting in the conference room in two hours."

Jessie's POV

What was I going to do? I needed to tell the campers that their hero was still alive, but I was trapped in this room. Grover had kidnapped me and was using Chaos' lackeys to hold me.

Why was Chaos even helping Percy in the first place? Had he told Percy to fight against the Gods and destroy the Titans? Why would he have sent his army to help the Gods if he wanted them destroyed?

And why was Percy helping demigods? He saved my life; he could have just left me to die.

I remember him wanting to get rid of me, was it so I wouldn't discover who he was? Would he kill me now if he knew that I knew?

I shuddered thinking about the last one. For all I know, I'm stuck in here until Percy's ready to kill me.

Somehow, I need to escape and warn the camp before it's too late.

Luke's POV

None of us was outside when it happened. We were having a special meeting in the living room, trying to decide what to do with Jessie.

"How long are we going to keep him," Rocky asked.

"Until we hear from Chaos," Grover said.

"So we just keep him locked in that room until then? What if Chaos doesn't say anything until the boy's dead?" Jason asked what we were all thinking.

Chaos hadn't been in touch since we got to Camp, we haven't received any orders or even a pep talk from him. Typically, when we are on a long mission like this, he comes visit us and we have a game night. It's always fun, checkers, bowling, dueling, fire juggling, and pin the tail on the satyr.

"Well, we can't let him go lose, he has important information, that the campers can't find out," Grover insisted.

"What information is it anyways? The location of the Keys to Tartarus? Mount Orthyrs? Or does he know Glitter's secret plans?" Ethan asked.

At the last accusation, everyone's head popped up.

"Jessie was good friends with Glitter, or whatever his real name is. Does he know something about Glitter's plans? Or even his identity?" Selena asked whatever everyone wanted to ask.

Grover squirmed in his seat, suddenly uncomfortable.

"Grover," I asked, "Does Jessie know who Glitter is?"

"Yes," he replied, lowering his head, "and so do I."

At Grover's words everyone started talking.

"Why is it a secret then!"

"Chaos isn't helping him, right?"

Chaos wouldn't have agreed to this!"

"SHUT UP!" Thalia shouted, succeeding in silencing the group before addressing Grover.

"Why are we holding the boy who knows the name of our enemy? Shouldn't we let him go to the Campers? And why is Chaos helping Glitter?"

"Because Glitter is not our enemy!" Grover nearly shouted before calming down. "At least, not really."

Grover's eyes met mine and I knew who he was protecting. Glitter was Percy. It made sense. He had been the man in gold during the last war, and he had promised to take care of the demigods.

"Our best chance is to get Jessie to tell us who Glitter is if Grover won't," Zoë insisted.

"No," I said.

"I agree," Thalia said as she stood up. "Chaos wants Glitter's identity to be a secret, so we will keep it a secret and trust that Chaos knows what he is doing. And if I find anyone trying to talk to Jessie, they will be filling in for our practice dummy in the sword arena. Any Questions?"

With that she walked out of the room, leaving me with a bunch of angry non-dead super soldiers.

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