Chapter 20

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Jessie's POV

"So, where were you earlier?" I asked as we ate dinner in the kitchen. It was actually a nice kitchen especially for one in a tent. When you looked at the tent from the outside it didn't look special at all. It just looked like a tent, with room for maybe four people to lie down in, but when you step inside, it's huge. It was like something from Harry Potter.

Before the masked man could reply, I asked another question that had been on my mind all day," Are you a wizard?"

The question took him off guard, all he managed to say was," What?"

"You have a tent that is bigger on the inside and can heal fatal wounds," I explained, with further thought I also asked, "or are you a Time Lord?"

He choked on his water that he had been drinking.

"I didn't know people still watched television," he stated after he recovered.

"My mom had one hidden in the basement, she had all of the seasons on DVD, both the old and new seasons. She also had all the Harry Potter movies. She would sometimes let me read her books, but not often, she was pretty protective of them," I explained.

"Well, I'm not a wizard, nor a Time Lord," He chuckled. I was surprised. It was the first time I've seen him somewhat relaxed.

"What are you then?" I asked curious.

"Nothing important," He brushed the question off.

"What's your name?" I tried again to get some information out of him.

"Why you're curious, do you ever stop asking questions?" He again avoided the question.

"If you don't give me a name, I'll make one up for you," I threatened.

He just shrugged.

"How about, Ninja?" I asked.

"That's not too bad. I've been called worse."

I wasn't going to call him a name he liked. I was going to annoy him enough so he would give me his name. "No, I don't think it fits you. How about Daisy?"

"No, that's a girl's name," He protested.

"Hmm, you're right, it doesn't fit you, How about Glitter?" I asked, trying to hold back my laughter.

"Don't you dare," He threatened.

"Well, if you don't give me a name, I'll have to call you something, so Glitter it is."

"Don't make me take you back to Camp." He threatened.

That stopped me. Did that mean he wasn't going to bring me back? Was he going to let me stay here with him? Or was he going to just ditch me?

"Finally, a little quiet."

"Does that mean you're not making me go back? Do I get to stay here?" I asked quietly.

All I could see through his mask was his eyes, and there was something in his eyes that I couldn't quite read, but I wondered for a brief moment if it was hate, but it was gone before I could be certain. When he spoke, I couldn't tell what he was thinking," You will stay with me for a while, I will train you and teach you. But when the time comes, you will leave and go on your own way."

I nodded my head to show I understood. It took a minute before all the words sank in, "You mean I can stay!" I exclaimed when the full meaning of the words sank in.

"Calm down and eat your dinner. Tomorrow we start, so get a good night's sleep." he ordered before getting up and dumping his plate in the sink. After rinsing it, he left the room.

After dinner I couldn't sleep. He was letting me stay! Maybe he actually was lonely. I decided that before I left, I was going to help him. I was going to get him to open up to me, I will make him think of me as his friend.

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