Chapter 18

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Piper's POV

Blue grabbed the boy's body before disappearing like he usually does. It had happened so fast no one had had a chance to drag him back up here. The boy never stood a chance. He was pretty good for a boy who hadn't trained before, but in today's world almost everyone needed to know how to protect themselves.

"Piper, it's okay." Calypso patted my shoulder, "Don't blame yourself. He didn't understand why no one would help him. He wanted to prove himself and save the man that saved him."

"Maybe next time we should help Blue Mask, so the kid doesn't die again." I said.

"Maybe, but you know he doesn't like us helping him. Maybe if someone had told the kid, he might not have run down there." She suggested.

"Maybe," I sighed as we walked down to the pavilion for lunch.

Jessie's POV

I woke up in a strange room. I started to call out for my mom, before remembering she was dead. The events of the previous day came running back to me. The monsters, the masked man, the people who wouldn't help, and an intense pain in my stomach.

"You're awake." A voice said, interrupting my thoughts. It was the masked man from yesterday.

"Who are you? Why are you wearing a mask? Where am I?" I asked, looking around the room. On closer inspection it looked like the walls were made out of cloth.

After your little stunt, I had to take you with me. You could have gotten yourself killed!" He shouted at me.

"No one else would help," I mumbled.

His voice softened," believe me, I'm not someone you should risk your life for."

"But you risked yours for me, so why shouldn't I for you?" I asked, really curios now.

His voice hardened before continuing on," How are you feeling? You've been out for almost a week."

I stared at him. I was asleep for that long?

"What happened?" I asked.

"You got impaled," He said.

"I caught that part, but after?" I asked.

"I had to take you with me to heal you. It was too serious for the Campers to heal," He explained.

"Are you a doctor as well as a ninja?" I asked surprised. He could fight off several monsters all at once and heal a fatal wound?

"No," He laughed," I'm not a child of Apollo."

"What?" I asked confused. What did Apollo have to do with doctors and ninjas? Wasn't he like the god of the sun or something?

"Oh, you don't know," He said almost surprised, "You're a demigod. That's why the monsters were after you. One of your parents was a God."

"A God?" I laughed," How can I be the child of a God?"

"The Gods have several children, many of them are gone, but a few of them are still here on Earth. You're one of the remaining ones. You were too young when the others escaped."

"Why did they have to escape? Is it dangerous being the child of a god?" I asked worried.

"Most of the time yes," He sighed," A lot of them died, but a few got away. There was a war, the Titans rose up and threw the Gods in Tartarus. Before that they attacked the camp were the Half-Bloods lived, where they trained. Most died, only about 200 survived, 200 out of a couple thousand. The Titans then started to make the life of mortals awful."

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