Chapter 30

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Grover's POV

All I wanted were some enchiladas, I never asked to be kidnapped.

Okay, fine, maybe I'm exaggerating, but when someone jumps on you from behind, covers your mouth with their hand, and pulls you into the woods, what are you supposed to think? Do you think, Yay! I just won a free trip to Disneyworld? No, I didn't think so, most people probably think, did I just get kidnapped? Help!

My kidnapper eventually got tired of me squirming and clawing at him, where were my crutches when I needed them? He stopped and let go of me. I promptly fell on my face.

I forced myself up and got a good look at my kidnapper and couldn't believe my eyes. If anyone had said that I would be kidnapped by the new kid, I would have laughed in their face. Jessie was so sweet! He wasn't the type to goatnap innocent satyrs!

I forced myself to speak, "Why did you kidnap me?"

The boy had the nerve to start laughing, "I didn't."

"If you didn't, then why did you grab me?" I demanded.

The boy shrugged, "It was a quick way to get you to come with me."

"Why? Why did I need to come with you?"

"You didn't tell Will about the boy in the bushes, why did you lie to him?"

I stared at the boy. Had he recognized Percy? I decided to play dumb, "What boy?"

"The boy hiding in the bushes, you heard him curse! You saw him do something to me! Don't lie to me!" Jessie was starting to freak me out now.

"Wow, calm down, I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you need to get some rest."

The boy threw some rocks I hadn't even realized he was holding at a nearby tree. I hoped he wasn't practicing for another target, a target that moved and screamed.

"I just want to know what happened! I need to know who Glitter is! Grover please help me, I know you knew who that boy was, or else you wouldn't be covering for him! The only other person that could tell me is dead! I don't know who else knew him or even remembers him except you and that blonde!" He exploded.

I don't remember if he said more or not because I kept replaying his words in my head, "that blonde."

I finally managed to whisper," What do you know about Annabeth?"

How would he know about Annabeth since she had died before he came to camp? Did he know about the Chaos Soldiers? No, he didn't. Jessie thought Annabeth was dead, so was the blonde someone else?

"You do know who I'm talking about!" Jessie smiled, "Who was Annabeth? Was she his girlfriend?"

Sighing, I sat down on a nearby log. I might as well tell him what I knew, or at least some of what I knew.

"Yes," I started," Annabeth was Percy's girlfriend."

"Percy?" Jessie whispered. I looked up and saw his shocked face. He had probably heard the stories about him.

"Yes, the Percy Jackson."

"But-," he faltered for a minute before continuing," why would the great Percy Jackson be hiding? The guys in my cabin always describe him as brave. Why would he be hiding on a beach? And how is he alive? Didn't he die in a monster attack in the woods?"

"No, that is just a camp legend, no monster was strong enough to kill Percy," I smiled at some of my memories of fighting with him.

"Then how did he die?" Jessie asked, calmer now.

I looked down at my hands, I never liked telling this part, thankfully I almost never had to.

"Did he fake his death?"

"No," I said softly," He really died, he killed himself."

"Suicide?" Jessie asked shocked.

A minute passed before he asked, "Why would he kill himself? He was a hero, brave, strong, caring, and courageous! Heroes don't kill themselves!"

"Obviously that is not true, Percy wasn't fighting an ordinary monster, he was fighting himself. He had just lost the love of his life and didn't know what to do. A God wanted revenge, Percy might have died soon anyways, he might not have." I paused for a minute before looking Jessie in the eye.

"I do know this though, if Percy had lived, he would have done anything to destroy Ares, and possibly the rest of the Gods as well. Annabeth wasn't just a friend, she was a part of him, they were in love."

"When she was murdered, he wanted revenge," Jessie added.

"Yes, and he got it. He killed the son of Ares that had killed her, and," I forced myself to say it," He led Kronos's army, and threw the Gods into Tartarus. Then later he destroyed the Titans, with your help."

"So it's true?" Jessie asked, "Percy is Glitter?"

"I think so, he knew that the Titans had disappeared, and you recognized him didn't you?"

Jessie nodded, "His voice was the same."

We sat for a few minutes in silence thinking about what the other had said.

"I thought Glitter was a hero, he saved me, he saved other kids, he taught me how to fight, he taught me about the gods. He was my friend."

"Percy wouldn't have let innocent children suffer, though I am a little surprised he took them to camp, he might have thought it fine without the Gods. Honestly, I can get where he's coming from, the Gods aren't always helpful," I said.

"I wish he would release the Gods; I want to know who my father is," Jessie said, almost to himself.

"I have an idea who your dad is," I said before I could stop myself.

"You do?" Jessie asked, eyes lit up," Who?"

"You look a bit like your brother, the same green eyes, and similar facial features. You two also act a lot alike, and I wouldn't be surprised if you're a good fighter, after all, Percy did bring you to fight the Titans. I might be wrong, but I think you're a son of Poseidon."

"Poseidon?" Jessie repeated.

"Yes, that would explain the way Percy looked at you, a mix of hatred, hurt, and maybe something close to love. He always wanted another brother, and after Tyson died," I trailed off. Percy never had told us what had happened, but he wasn't the same after Tyson's death.

"He would feel obligated to protect them no matter what," I continued. "But he also would have felt hurt that Poseidon had never told him about a brother, and possibly more so if he thought it meant Poseidon didn't care as much about him or his mom."

"And he might have just hated you because you were new to the demigod world and hadn't suffered much yet," I shrugged. I wasn't really the type to get into deep conversations, and I really wanted my enchiladas.

"I guess," Jessie said, staring into the distance.

"Well, I should get going, you have some things to think about," I said as I tried to leave.

"Wait!" Jessie called before I could get far. I was never going to make it back in time for dinner at this rate.

"Should we tell him? The horse guy?"

"Chiron? Tell him Percy's alive? No, I promised Percy I wouldn't tell anyone about him, and I've already broken that promise several times."

"But I didn't promise him, and shouldn't the campers get an explanation? Shouldn't they know what Percy did?" Jessie argued.

"Now don't worry," Said a voice from behind a tree," What they don't know won't hurt them."

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