Chapter 19

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Jessie's POV

When I woke up again, the masked man was nowhere to be seen, so I got up and started to explore the place.

It was huge. It was only one story, but it had a kitchen, two bedrooms, a living room, and two bathrooms. I touched the walls in every room I came too, they all felt like some sort of canvas. I concluded that the whole place was a tent, but how you can have so much room in a tent confused me. Wasn't the whole point of a tent that it was easy to carry and set up? Something this big and complicated surely had to take a while to set up and uses a lot of storage space.

The man soon appeared as I was sitting down in the living room, about to turn on the T.V.

"So, you're up, it's about time," He said as he walked into the kitchen. I followed him as he continued talking, "You'll be up to going back to the camp then."

"But I don't want to go back!" I complained. Why would I want to go back to a place where no one wanted to help anyone?

"Let me stay here with you," I tried," You're on your own, maybe some company will do you good."

"I don't need company, I'm fine on my own," he replied, turning away from me to place something in the microwave.

"You're going back and that's final. You don't belong here," He said as he turned back towards me, with a plate of pancakes.

I stared at the pancakes as he set them on the counter.

"Well," He demanded," What are you waiting for? Eat up!"

"I'm not hungry," I lied as my stomach growled. I didn't want to accept any food from someone that was going to make me go back somewhere I don't want to go to.

"Suite yourself," He shrugged as he pulled the plate to him and poured syrup on them. I decided to go up to my room instead of torturing myself with the smell of pancakes and syrup.

Annabeth's POV

I needed to talk to Chaos before I went to training. I needed to ask him something that had been on my mind for years, but I had never had the courage to ask him. I know he thought of everyone in the army as his children, but I never have felt close enough to ask him such a big favor.

After Thalia and Luke left, I had started thinking about Percy again, and I decided that there never would be a better chance. I managed to find the courage to walk to Chaos's palace and now stood feet away from the throne room doors. Taking a deep breath, I walked up to them and pushed them open, just a little.

I froze as I heard an unfamiliar voice in the room.

"Please, I can't take care of him! You could train him, make him into one of your soldiers, or just even let him join the campers!" The mystery voice exclaimed. It sounded like he was trying his hardest not to plead.

"Why do you care so much about this boy? Years ago, you choose your path, why would you care now what happens to a nobody?" I heard Chaos ask.

"I know you don't owe me anything Chaos, but please, I can't have a kid underfoot, and I can't just leave him to die. He knows he's a Demigod, the monsters will find him and kill him. He knows how to use a sword, but he's not good enough to fight all of them off on his own." It seemed like it was taking the man everything he had not to plead.

"No, the boy chooses to stay with you. Besides, by this point the campers would be curious to see him after they saw him get cut down, and I don't need someone else in my army, I have enough soldiers. You will have to train him," Chaos refused him.

"So that's my punishment? You're going to make me train the boy? You know that's unwise. Maybe I'll train him to destroy you." The voice threatened, the pleading tone gone.

"You say you're sorry for your actions, that you're ashamed of them, if you truly are, then prove it. Train the boy, after all he is your brother, or is that why you hate the sight of him?"

"He is?" The man whispered, if not for the sharp hearing everyone in the army has, I would have missed his words.

"Don't tell me you had no idea."

"I had a feeling but didn't think it was possible. I never thought he would break the oath again." The man spoke, this time a little louder.

Oath? So he was a son of the big three? But the oath was broken years ago, was there a different oath?

"But he didn't break the oath, the boy's what, 13? three years before you went missing. Does that bother you? That your father had another son, and never bothered to tell you?"

"Shut up!" The man screamed, then in a calmer voice he added," I don't care what he did, he's no longer my father. I am an orphan."

After that there was silence. I heard Chaos sigh and wondered if the man wasn't there anymore.

Chaos's voice startled me out of my thoughts," Annabeth, come in dear, I know you're there."

As I entered the room I looked around and could find no evidence of the mystery man.

"Sorry you had to hear that," he grimaced.

"Who was he?" I dared to ask.

"A man who prefers not to be known, instead of telling his name he goes by what others call him. He is not a friend," He said the last part in a tone so serious I looked up at him. In his eyes was something like worry, but why would he be worried?

"What did you come here to talk about?" He asked, changing the subject.

"I had a request," I hesitated, what I was asking for was a big favor, he hadn't helped the man that had been in here earlier, but would he help someone he thought of as his child? I decided to go for it, "I've heard that the Titans were holding Percy as a prisoner. My request is that we go rescue him."

The look on his face was full of sorrow and regret. Finally, he spoke," I'm sorry to tell you this dear, but Percy Jackson is dead. You can't save him now. I'm afraid no one can."

"You can bring him back though right?" I pleaded, trying to keep the tears back. If I had stayed dead, then we could be together.

"I'm sorry Annabeth, I can't. The Titans are in control of the underworld now, I can't bring someone back, especially Percy. They hated him, He is probably suffering torture and guarded so he can't escape," he said with sorrow in his eyes.

I started to cry; I couldn't control myself. Thinking of my Percy in such pain, it was too much. Chaos hugged me for a few minutes, letting me just cry out my feelings.

After a while, he spoke up, "Isn't there a training session you should be getting too? If you're busy that might help, you won't have time to think about him."

I nodded my head in agreement. He was right, the less I thought of him, the better off I would be.

I dried up my tears and hurried to join the rest of the army as they trained the campers that were still here. I needed to get over Percy Jackson. He was dead, and there was nothing I could do about it, except make Kronos pay.

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