Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

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Ziggy's POV:

A groan passed my lips when I finally woke up, groggily pealing my eyes open despite wanting to stay asleep. I felt like I'd been out a while, and that's not something that sits well with me because I felt useless when I couldn't help.

I felt someone rush to my side when I tried to sit up. It appeared I was on a bed in the spare room I usually occupy when I stay at the Salvatore's. Fingers grazed over my skin gently, causing goosebumps to materialize in their trail. Lifting my gaze, fiery bronze met the icy blue hues of Damon.

"Hey," he breathed, a small smile slowly stretching on his face. Lifting a blood bag into my view, he handed it to me. "Thought you'd want this."

Black veins pulsed under the skin of my cheeks when I caught the scent, fangs growing in my gums. I reached for the bag, popping it open. "Thanks," I tried to eat it modestly; for some reason, my sorry self cared what Damon thought of me. He sat back on the chair that was pulled up to the bed while I ate. "How long was I out?"

"Couple hours," he told me.

I straightened up rapidly. "What!?" My voice was loud with annoyance at myself. "Damn, that witch got me good. Is everyone okay?" I began trying to get up, but the Salvatore pushed me back down.

"Ah, ah, ah," he tsked, shaking his head, putting the comforter back over me. "You were dead a while, to the point where you're skin turned super pale. It scared the shit out of me," his tone sounded sincere and sarcastic at the same time, if that was even possible. "Everything's sorted and fine, you should rest."

"But-" I tried to reason, despite my eyes drooping and feeling heavy.

"No buts," he wiggled a finger jokily. "We hatched a plan that made Klaus think Bonnie is dead, but she's alive. We're one step ahead of him."

I sighed in relief at the news. "Bonnie's okay," A smiled graced my features.

"I heard you and Bonnie talking in the spare room earlier today. I knew you didn't want her to die," he said earnestly. "And if that was what you wanted, I was going to make sure that it didn't happen."

"Thank you, Damon."

"Anytime," he smouldered, back to his usual game face. "I've let Hesper know you're here. You get some rest, I'm sure it's gonna be a busy day tomorrow."

I nodded lazily, pushing my head into the cushions and snuggling further in the bed. When I did, the sound of paper crunching filled my ears. Curiously, I lifted the covers, not missing the fact I was now wearing pajamas. A note laid in the bed near my hip. Picking it up, I examined the words wrote across it.

I think we should have a real chat. Here's my number,
Klaus x

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After a restful nights sleep (filled with ways to murder Klaus for being problematic), I was rudely awoken by Stefan's voice booming through the boarding house. Apparently, he was looking for Elena, if the repetition of her name was anything to go by.

I clambered out of bed, making myself presentable before venturing down the stairs to where everyone was located. Andi, Damon and Stefan were all situated there, the latter seeming frantic. He clocked me descending the staircase, asking me a question when I reached the bottom.

"Have you seen Elena?"

"Can't say I have since I've only just woke up," I let out a yawn. "Thanks for that, by the way."

My jaw set when I clapped eyes on Damon and Andi being all relationship-ey. I definitely needed to figure out what that feeling in the pit of my stomach was whenever I saw them together.

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