Chapter Forty-nine: Tea and Ghosts

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It's cold yet warm as they feel each other's bare bodies touching one another. The sun is slightly peaking at the beige colored blinds, soft calling of birds filtering their surroundings. The couple is wrapped up in each other's embrace and the thick, cozy duvet covering their naked figures. Slight snores, hearts beating at the same pace.

Ryujin twitched and opened one of her eyes groggily. She tried to turn on the other side when a weight on her waist stopped her from doing so. Looking down, she saw the love of her life beautifully sleeping on top of her chest. An instant feeling of butterflies shivers her skin, her lips curved into a tight lip smile. She reached out and moved the strand of hair away from covering the face of her angel.

Ryujin observed her light fury, admiring the way the girl would puff out a small breath everytime and how her nose would scrunch up once in awhile. Ryujin adored every single second of it. She wished she could wake up everyday with her precious one beside her. A tear escaped her eyes when her heart started thumping happily on her chest. Thinking how she got so lucky to find someone who can lit her up into fire and tame her at the same time when everyone else was turning their backs on her and when everyone else was only wanting her for her body and popularity. She found someone who accepts her wholly despite of herself being broken.

She wiped her tears quickly when Yeji's eyes slowly opened taking in her surroundings before looking up to meet the other one. They stared lovingly at one another bringing cheeky smiles on their faces, however, Yeji's smile faltered when she noticed a tear stain on her lover's cheeks. She perked herself up a little and looked at Ryujin with concern.

"Love, are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Do you wanna know what's wrong?" Ryujin asked and pulled herself up sitting with Yeji following her actions. Both are leaning on the headboard, looking at each other seriously. Yeji nodded quickly asking the latter to tell her.

"Well, nothing's wrong. Everything is perfect. It is too perfect and it makes me feel scared. I don't want to lose this. Whatever we have right now, I wish it would stay like this forever." The night fury chuckled at her emotional statement and reached for her light fury's hand locking them. She smiled at the thought their hand really fits perfectly with one another.

"I love you, Yeji. I promise I will do whatever it takes to see the smile on your face everyday. I will be here for you through ups and downs and diagonals or whatever direction in life. I will be by your side. You'll always be in my mind and in my heart. Your name will keep circulating in my veins and it will always scream out your name even when the world decides to pull you away from me. I promise to protect you. I don't swear much, but for you, I'll do it. I'm taking chances once again and I don't regret it."

"My light, my star, my other half, and my always, I love you. Very much, my only Yeddeong." Ryujin rambled never taking her eyes off the teary-eyed girl. Lifting up their intertwined hands she gave it a soft and long kiss before kissing Yeji's soft lips and forehead.

"You're making me emotional. You sound like you're saying your goodbye and I hate it. But, I love you. I love you very much and you have no idea how much." Ryujin chuckled and pinched the feline's cheeks by how adorable the other one was acting. "I wish I can show you instead. So, Shin Ryujin, will you let me? Will you let me be a part of your every day and night? Will you let my annoying ass court you?" Yeji said playfully as she straddled the girl's hips while leaning in closer to her face.

Ryujin gulped at the situation they were in right now. Her thoughts bombarded her with the fact they are both naked and the other is casually straddling her. She tried her best to not look down at the bare body of the cat-eyed girl because she knew she'd be doomed if she do so. "Y-yes." She squeaked out making Yeji kiss her in happiness. Chuckling she kissed her girl back and pulled her in closer.

After a few minutes of preparing the foods and table, everyone is gathered around the long table, silently eating their breakfast not waiting for the two other people who were peacefully sleeping, or so they thought. Soft murmurs and giggled were heard at the same time with the footsteps nearing the kitchen.

The group of friends hid their smiles and pretended that everything is totally normal. Ryujin and Yeji greeted them cheerfully and the rest allowed themselves to greet them back at the same tone but Seulgi and Lisa lost it and cracked in laughter. Their girlfriends nudged them and gave them a stern look halting them to a stop. The others watched the scence biting their lips to stop from laughing.

"You guys are acting weird." Yeji said with a weird face as she reached for the rice but Ryujin stopped her and did it for her. The light fury smiled widely and resisted on giving the latter a kiss. "Thanks" She uttered giddily.

Their friends watched them in awe before eating their ideal meals. Yuna spoke quietly breaking the silence, "You guys want to know what's weirder?"

All eyes turned on her with curiosity, but she didn't meet their eyes, instead she stuffed her mouth with a mouthful of ham and cheese bread and said, "Last night I was hearing these really really weird noises. It almost sounds like whining or crying and one time- why are you all laughing?"

The rest bursted out laughing as they clutch their stomachs while the others choked on their foods and drinks finding the innocence of youngest amusing. Meanwhile, Yeji and Ryujin blushed a full house of tomato and sunk on their seats in embarrassment. Yuna shook her head ignoring her unnies and continued her story.

"As I was saying, then there's this one time I heard something banging the wall while everyone was asleep?"

"What time was that?" Jisoo asked with a playful grin.

"I think it was past 2AM almost 3AM and unnie, I got so scared when I looked at the time. Since you know, ghosts do come around when it's exactly 3AM."

Dahyun hastily stood up holding a weird face and excused herself, and some other members did the same. The couples knew what the others are going to do and they rolled their eyes. A few seconds later distant shuffling and roaring laughters echoed throughout the house.

Jennie, one of the people who stayed behind, smirked. "I know for sure the ghosts are not gonna hunt us during our sleep because they were having a good time-" Quickly taking a glance at the blushing duo before she continued her speech. "on the other room. I mean on the other side wherever they are."

"Ma'am you just spilled some tea." Jeongyeon grinned.

"Is that so?" Yuna replied to her Jennie unnie with amused face, not believing that ghosts can have some fun too.

"Yes." Mina said as she sips on her coffee stopping herself from laughing as well. Yuna shrugged innocently and went back to her food.


👉🏻 Good Morning. Good Afternoon. Good Evening. 🥰

I hope y'all are having a great day and or about to have a great day. Don't forget to eat your meals. Take care of yourselves too ✨ Love ü love ü love ü 💘

Ice meets Fire ||  RYEJI ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon