Chapter Thirty-three: It's Official

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Shin Ryujin's POV

Two weeks had passed since the talk I had with Yeji, but still, just that the thought of it makes me want punch everything I see. I haven't slept peacefully since then. I've gone mad as I realized that I lost - I'm already drowning before she could catch me. I'm in depth. I realized everything once her hands slipped away from mine, holding another person's hands. Maybe the situation wouldn't be that bad if she had told me sooner and not bring me to a place I always keeps coming back. Don't even get me started with Hyunjin. She could've dated anyone, ANYONE, not Yeji, for all I know she's playing with her, or not, but what do I know? Nothing.

In addition to all my madness is the fact that the few of our friends have known those information for quite some time now, including my sister. Curiosity flooded my brain to the point that I had to interrogate and accuse my own sister. I really am doomed.

"I'll ask you again this time. I really like you, Ryujin. As a matter of fact, I'm in love with you. So, will you be mine? Be my girlfriend? I'll be yours wholly."

This bitch adds to my list of frustration. Heejin has been gifting me foods and stuffs, romantic kind of stuffs. She's been bugging me to be hers every chance that she gets, and I tried but I can't do anything about it, she'll always come back.

"I don't know, Heejin." I politely said as we walk together through the empty corridors. I tried to gain as much patience I could to prevent myself from lashing out. The last thing that I want to happen is another unbearable scene.

"Well, then, I'd still be around. I'll keep trying." She smiled while I shook my head at her persistence. "Don't get your hopes up." I mumbled.

"I'm not because I'm sure you'll be mine." She smirked.

I rolled my eyes, taking a step on the other side planning on leaving her behind as I felt impatient. Just when I thought I could run away, my heart did it first. I watched Yeji forcefully pushed Hyunjin, who was smirking, on the locker holding an intense hooded eyes. To add the cherry on top, Hyunjin moved forward attaching her lips to Yeji. I felt a stab on my back as I watch the whole scene. Gulping the lump on my throat, it felt as if I'm being forced to eat stones. I looked at Heejin who, unsurprisingly, followed me, looking at the scene with her mouth agape.

"Heejin?" She hummed, clearing her throat. I frowned as I noticed her eyes a little moist, but I shrugged it off.

"Is the offer still hanging?" I asked. Two can play this game, Yeji. She nodded frantically and waited patiently for what I have to say.

"I'll be your girlfriend." Her eyes widened same as the smile plastered on her face. She pulled me in closer, hugging me tightly. "Thank you! I'm so happy!"

And, I'm not.

Hwang Yeji's POV

"What do you think you're doing?" I hissed as I slapped her hand away.

"You broke a rule, Yeji. I had to do something." She smirked.

Yesterday, I came home and I saw Dahyun holding an ice pack on her abdomen. My face showed horror, anger, and every emotions you could think of. Her situation made me see everything clearer. I'll never win over Hyunjin. No matter what I do there has to be a consequence. Hyunjin and I made a deal, she made several rules and if you break it, there's a penalty. The unfair part is that the rules only apply to me, bringing me in this situation. Out of unfortunate events, I broke a rule when I tried to reveal her identity in front of the whole school because the anger I built, ate me whole. In return, she didn't hesitate hurting my sister.

I grabbed her collar and pushed her on the wall forcefully, creating a loud slam sound. I growled as I stared at her smirking face. "I. Fucking. Hate. You." Instead of replying, she leaned forward, aggressively sealing her lips on mine. Using my hands, trapped beneath her arms, I tried pushing her but she was too strong, so I let her just do her thing. I sobbed through the kiss as I feel helpless. She pulled away smiling triumphantly. I can't even fight for myself, how can I fight for my friends?

"Excuse me?" I quickly turned around as I noticed the sound of the voice. Her voice. Her. She's the one I need. I need her close to me, right now. I felt crying as I saw her this close again. Her eyes that I used to stare all the time, her nose that scrunches everytime she smiles, those lips that I have yet to feel, her cheeks that I want to caress, everything about her is intoxicating my veins. She's my pill whenever I feel alone. I feel safe around her. I can't do this anymore.

"What the fuck did you do to her?!" Ryujin screamed as she shoved Hyujin on the locker, the latter just laughed evilly, pulling me out of my daydream. I immediately grabbed Ryujin by the shoulders and went in front of her, stopping her from doing any more damage. Just go. I thought. Ryujin looked at me with a disappointed look, pointing between Hyunjin and I. "Stay away from her, Yeji. She's not good for you."

"And you are good for her? Who are you? Her girlfriend?" Hyunjin retorted sarcastically, pulling me into her. I took a shaky breath as I feel uncomfortable.

"I'm not. I am someone who cares deeply for her. Yeji, I'm telling you stay away from that bastard."

Ryujin's eyes felt cold, you'll get a frostbite if you stare longer, but I didn't dared looking away. I watched her closely, finding a confidence I can only found in her. I closed my eyes for a brief second, fighting the urge to hold her hand and run away from everything. I hope you won't hate me. This is also for you and our friends.

"I- I'm sorry." I stuttered, looking down at my feet. The dead silence corrupted each corners of the academy. Although the weather is cold, the tension between us warmed us up. She huffed making me look at her. Heejin whispered, suggesting that they should just leave but Ryujin wasn't listening, saying she wouldn't leave without me.

"What do you mean you're sorry?"

"You should go." I said, trying to push back the feelings burning up my tongue.

"No, I wont leave you here wi-"

"You're not my girlfriend! You don't tell me what to do!" I yelled in frustration, tears fell from my eyes, blurring my sight.


"Stop right there." I grabbed Hyunjin by her backpak, dragging her through the exit, leaving the other pair inside the hallway. I have to go home, I have to be away for awhile. I need this. I need time. I feel lost and confused. I feel wrecked. I released my hand from her,

"Leave me alone." quickly running away, teardrops on my face down to my neck. I couldn't find enough comfort in the wind as it feels void and emotionless. The clouds darken, droplets of water began falling from the heavenly dark sky, thunders roaring, lightning striking, almost as if I am the storm displaying my feelings into the unknown world.


👉🏻 How are you guys?

Thank you for reading!! I'm still not sure how many chapters are left since I'm still not yet done writing the whole thing, but I can assure that I will tell you as soon as I finish it. Love ya! xoxo, a.

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