Chapter Nine: It's you

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⚠️ Trigger Warning

An evil laughter came from a masked man holding the neck of the struggling girl, "I asked you to stay away, didn't you? But, you didn't listen!" Tightening her grip. In a dimmed light room, dead silence vibrates to the metalic walls, a girl trying to catch her breath, and a girl shouting at the masked person to stop as if it would save the already lifeless person.

Hwang Yeji's POV

"STOP!" I sat up straight breathing heavily, tears pouring down on my face, one hand clutched on my devastated heart. It happened again. The nightmare. A nightmare from my past. I stood up, raised my head upwards in a way I could properly breathe and keep myself calm, but it's not working, I think I'm having a panic attack. Fuck.

"Yeji!" The last thing I heard before everything went black.

Dahyun's POV

I raced my way from the bathroom to Yeji's room when I heard her shout. I opened the door and saw she was about to faint. I quickly ran up to her, catching her. "Yeji!" I shouted. It's been a long time since this happened. I placed her on her bed, hastily, I changed my clothes. My eyes began watering as I texted someone.

To: Bugs Bunny 🐰
It happened again.
Come over, it's urgent.

I grabbed a fist full of my head in aggravation. I looked at my sister, almost tearing up again as I remember the horrific days we once lived in, and how devastated we were especially my sister. She locked herself during those times, she didn't eat nor talk to anyone, the only thing she accepted from us was water, then, one day, we heard her shouting, things rattled from her room. We tried asking her to open up but she wouldn't budge, we got worried, and we broke down the door. Once we saw her we panicked, she's lying on the floor almost lifeless, with cuts on every inch of her body from breaking things around - the reason she spent almost a month in the hospital. That's when she started taking Anti-depressant pills but stopped after two years, claiming she's already fine. I'm scared it might happen again. What happened, Yeji? What triggered you? Biting my nails, a hobby of mine when I'm frustrated or nervous, which both are happening right now. The doorbell rang, cutting me off of my thoughts, I think I just ran a marathon from all my agitated movements. I opened the door, let the person in, explaining everything I know from what happened earlier. When we entered the room, Yeji's awake, staring at the wall, shaking as she sat on the corner of her bed. "I was there, but I couldn't do anything."

Nayeon looked at me, I nodded at her to give her my approval. That's right, they knew each other for five whole years now. We only pretended that they didn't know each other at first sight, for protection. I shook my head as I moved towards the two sweet figures in a cloud of bitter memories.

"Nayeon unnie, Dahyun unnie, it's my fault. I should've just told her. I could've saved her!" I flinched when my sister started shouting. A frustrated Yeji is someone you wouldn't want to encounter with.

"Can you please stop blaming yourself for once in your lifetime, Yeji?" I said softly, grabbing her hands, caressing them.

She sniffed and just continued crying. "It was my fault. I am the only one to blame. Maybe, I should've just taken the offe-"

Nayeon sat beside her and hugged her. "No, don't even say that. Hush now, Yeji. It's not your fault. We can't change what happened back then. It's gonna be alright. You're gonna be alri-."

"NO! That's not gonna happen! Because I saw her again! And not just anywhere, It has to be in our fucking school!" Yeji exclaimed, hurt evident on her voice.

My eyes widened. "Yeji, are you- are you sure?"


Hwang Yeji's POV
I walked towards my motorbike, placing my helmet as I seat. A shadow passed behind me but I just shrugged it off thinking it was only just another student. My motor raged up a gas, ready to accelerate, but a body in front of me stopped me from doing so. "Excuse me?" Uncertainty on my voice.

The person looked up, I froze. "It's you." A lump formed on my throat, a feeling of seeing a dead who came back to life is written on my face.

"Missed me, baby?" The stranger replied smugly.


"It happened on her death anniversary." She looked up.

"And you did not tell me, us, right away?!" I said slightly raising my voice.

"No! Because I was scared! Okay? I was scared!"

We gave her a sympathetic look and hugged her. How do we get off in this situation knowing that she's out there? I thought.

"Oh, who died?" We jumped from the sudden change of tone, looking up we saw Lia with worried eyes pointing at her new friend. "Now's not the time, Lia." I told her.

"No, unnie, it's okay. I trust her. I mean, we can trust you, right?" Lia nodded. "Yes, of course." She made her way beside Yeji, hugging her. Nayeon and I left the scene to give the other two some privacy.

We're currently downstairs, our minds occupied, occasionally stirring the coffee in our hands. "What should we do?" I shivered in fear, unsure of what to reply to her.

"Honestly, I don't know anymore. I just thought that everything's getting better, then, THIS, this happened."

"Should we just call the police?" She suggested.

I hissed at her. "No one's gonna call the motherfucking cops! Last time, it didn't went well!"

Lia's POV

"Hey, are you okay? You're... shaking?"

Yeji touched my arm and I flinched. "N- no. I'm fine. I just got- terrified?"

I watched Yeji grabbed her blanket and covered her face probably taking the wrong turn from understanding my retort. My heart broke at the sight, I feel helpless, instead, I did the same and went under the same blanket. I brought her head close to my neck and just hugged her tight. "I'll be here, whatever happens. I got your back."

Yeji looked up, her lips quavering, eyes are filled with concern. "It's enough that you know for you to be cautious, but I don't think it's safe for you to be around me."

I removed the hair that's sticking on her face, then grabbed her right cheek. "Hey, I always felt safe around you. I wouldn't be cuddling you right now if it's the other way around." Poor Yeji.

"And I've been quite been there." I said.

"You've been what?" Her eyes enlarging with shock.

"Not really to me. It's not my place to tell."

The girl who I always thought to be cheerful and fierce has gone through big time during the past few years. My thoughts wandered to another girl thinking it's quite a coincidence that almost the same thing happened to both of them. I frowned. My phone vibrated, slowly, I grabbed my phone from my back pocket.

Monkey 🐵
Hey, don't forget, it's my birthday tomorrow!
Party at my house all day looooooonggggg
The whole gang is invited 😜

Sacred bitch 😇
Of course, birthgay girl!!!
I have a question tho

Monkey 🐵

Sacred bitch 😇
Can Yeji come?

Monkey 🐵
I thought I already counted her in ?

Sacred bitch 😇
Ah, already made an exception, yeah?
Alexa play you are the only exception by paramore

Sure, silence means yes. Bye.

Monkey 🐵
Just shut up. I can't stand u.

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