Chapter Twenty-eight: A B C D EFFIN' GOD HECK

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Hwang Yeji's POV

"I never saw this coming."

It's almost midnight and we have classes tomorrow, but here we are gathered inside our house. Solving a puzzle harder than solving Van Gogh's painting puzzle. Everyone is on the floor brainstorming ideas and clues they can come up with, while I pace around the house. I've been walking around the house for the past ten minutes. I groaned.

"Maybe it was a bad decision that I told you guys everything. Because, I mean, ever since they knew I told you they started planning or they could've already planned it all out like they've seen this coming!"

I'm getting frustrated, first they had to beat up Ryujin, now it's Lia. Who's next? If she's tryna kill me slowly, then she's doing a great fucking job. Jennie came up to me, hands on my shoulders. "Stop. blaming. yourself. We wanted to be a part of this. We could've left the moment you told us, but here we are. See?" She pointed her hands to our friends who are smiling weakly at me. They stayed. I know not everyone stays, I remember last time when I told one of my friends she left. But these people in front of me wearing their pajamas, sleepy eyes, their duffle bags on the corner, made me realize that this time I will not be alone. I will have them by my side. From my overflowing emotions, tears escaped my eyes. I pulled Jennie unnie in for a hug as I continued sobbing on her tshirt, later on, the hug felt heavy as the rest of them joined the hugs, telling me that they'll be here and we'll be fine. I feel like I just won a lottery, not from a battle of numbers but from a battle of friends who'll stay until they can.

Once everyone calmed down, we've decided to chill out for awhile even though we'll have to wake up earlier than we usually does since there will be a lot of us who will use the bathrooms. My phone keep vibrating, but I know it's just going to be someone you already know who. I don't want to talk to her especially when I'm in a bad state of mind. Momo grabbed my phone from the table probably getting annoyed by it too, but then her sudden gasp grabbed the attention of everyone.

"You should've told us, Yeji." I knitted my eyebrows, showing confusion. She gave me my phone and asked me to open it, I obeyed and handed it back to her.

"This unknown number, do you know who this is?"

"Nope." I said popping the letter "p", puffing out an uncomfortable air. "But, it's been sending me random letters. Don't worry about it. They must just got the wrong number."

"These are not just random letters, Yeji." She whispered, rubbing her forehead. "These are codes. God damn it."

Silence and tension began surfacing into thin air. Everyone looked at Momo asking for explanation.

"Everyone gather around and I'll explain." She went in the middle as we surround her. She took a screenshot to have a copy, so we can have it as a proof for later use. "The first message was sent last Friday and it says IBFQRM which means RYUJIN in reverse alphabet code. Last friday, Ryujin was beaten, and awhile ago you received another with letters QFORZ RH MVCG, and guess what it means? JULIA IS NEXT. Now, look, Lia has her face a bruise. And, then, your phone kept vibrating, fortunately it annoyed the hell out of me. Want to know who's next?" Momo asked directly looking at me under her hooded eyes, making me feel tensed.

"Wh-w- who?" Chaeryeong asked as she fiddle with her fingers.


My sister. Not her. Not my fucking sister. I broke down into another series of tears, clutching my hair. Out of anger, I stood up and grabbed a small pot throwing it to the ground. I blame myself for everything. I should've known. I was supposed to know it with everything that's happening, but, I was ignorant. I didn't know. I wasn't expecting shits like this. It wasn't like this before.

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