Chapter Forty-seven: Join the Cult

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And as if on cue, the door made a screeching sound and revealed two girls wearing a cheeky smiles holding up the plastic bags full of snacks. They skipped through the cemented floor still not noticing what they have to face.

"Why are you guys looking at us like you've seen ghosts?" Yeri jokingly said, cocking one of her eyebrows while she put down the foods on the side table provided. Joy laughed at her and sat comfortably on one of the chairs.

"Bold of you guys to stay cozy after everything." Hyunjin spoke in annoyance, revealing herself from behind the towers of the gang. Hearing the familiarity of the voice, two pairs of eyes darted to her. Their breaths hitched as their eyes narrowed at the marching fuming human. The others were stucked on their places as they watch the scene in front of them. "I should've known better. You guys are friends after all."

A punch landed on Joy's face and the sound was enough to bring them back to reality. Sana run like a tiger after her prey and strangled Hyunjin on the floor creating a loud thud. "STUPID. SON. OF. A. BITCH." She slapped the woman's back with every words she uttered.

Dahyun and Momo immediately came at her and pulled her away from the lady who just stood up and dusted her clothes laughing evilly at them. Yeji felt her blood boil and before she knew it, she was face to face with her nightmare. In a fast movement, she raised her right and swayed it to the left before swinging it right back but stopped when it's an inch away from the girl's cheek.

"I'd love to slap you but then I realized how dirty of a person you are that even a holy water can't erase your sins and I don't want to get infected." The feline hissed then spat out a saliva on Hyunjin's face who looked at her baffled.

Lowering her hand, she brushed past the smaller girl and held out her hands for Joy and Yeri who gladly took her offer with a dumbfounded expression painted on their faces. "Lay a hand on my friends again and you're going to regret it."

"I am capable of doing something more than that, Yeji."

"I know exactly what you're capable of and you're not getting away with it this time."

"How can you be sure of that?"

"With my friends by my side, you're going to hell. I'd love to have you handcuffed behind the jail bars."

"I don't think that's a bad idea. Didn't know you're kinky, babe."

Ryujin, from the other side of the door, hissed under her breath and took a deep breath. She's been pushing and pulling her arm out to the door handle, twisted in the thoughts that she should help her friends and hearing Hyunjin talking pervertly to someone very special to her makes it harder for her to follow their plans. She whispered under her breath and finally took a decision.

"Fuck it."

Twisting the door knob noisily, she came out of the bathroom with her eyes lit up with fire and her body was burning in ice. She walked like an angry gorilla and hissed like a snake towards her enemy. Pushing past her friends who tried to hold her back, she stood in front of Hyunjin, tilting her head to the side with a smirk.

"You're nothing but a piece of maniac, cheater, murderer, piece of a motherfucking son of a stupid bitch." Ryujin said as she took a step forward with each words while the other took a step backward, gulping at the sight in front of her.

The room felt dark and heavy as the tension of wrathful scenario cursed through the air of the metallic and cemented walls and tiles cornering them. The group of friends stood stiffly and frozen, not believing what's happening in front of them.

"I knew you were lying." Hyunjin spoke although her voice is slightly faltering.

"Of all the things I said the only phrase you can come up was about me. I knew you were a judgemental and selfish piece of rat. You're not a human. You don't know how it feels to be wrecked and lost. You don't know how it feels to be played with. All you know is how to sustain what you want or what you need to the point that you forget other people's emotional capacity."

"I know how to love! I'm in love with Yeji for fuck's sake and you're ruining everything!" Hyunjin seethed and harshfully pushed Ryujin away from her.

Yeji almost dragged herself when her friends begged her to stop since it might add a code red. Instead of hitting back, she clutched her stomach laughing loudly. Wiping the tears that formed on her eyes, she looked at the clown in front of her.

"That was the funniest thing I've ever heard. You love her? And you're acting like that? What kind of sick love bullshit you're playing at?" Ryujin laughed more, slumping down on the floor as she finds it really funny.

Lisa and the others couldn't help but crack in laughter as well. Yeji shook her head and find herself laughing at the truth that just came out of the night fury's mouth. She brought herself to look at the person laughing loudly on the floor even though the situation they're having was serious.

The light fury's eyes sparked in beautiful flames, she felt the heat resurface her body but this time it was beautiful. It's lust and love as she looked at the blue-haired girl who was giggling weakly at her feet as she talks wisely to the nemesis who was enraged.

Hyunjin shoot them one last look before she angrily stormed out of the room, leaving a group of teenager laughing like a mess.


👉🏻 Here's my twitter handle: @senpailalisa
👉🏻 You will be able to see the AU (which is tagalog) pinned on my twitter profile. I'll see you guys there if  by any chance you guys visit me there.

so, I just kind of realized that there are nine (9) chapters left and this story will be finally completed 🥺

it's been 29 days and here we are 🥺 I'm really thankful for the times you've spent reading the chapters I publish everyday.

Also, I'm really grateful for having the chance to meet y'all. Whether you guys vote, comment, or just pass by and read the stories I write, it means deeply for me. Thank you for staying! I love each and everyone of you guys ❤️🥺

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