Chapter 46

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Songs for this chapter:

· Small bump- Ed sheeran

" There are millions of smiles in the world, yet yours is the only one I need. . . . "

~ Sam's p.o.v.

" Harry had been spotted visiting a Psychiatric facility, for troubled minds, several times and has brought various baby items every time he's went. Now finally after days of not knowing what's behind those walls, we find out it's a who. Not just anyone, but Liam Payne's ex! Who also happens to be pregnant! Wow Harry, way to pick the-"

The television flicked off, my eyes still on the television screen that was now black. Did everyone already know? Do they think I'm a slut for being seen with Harry when I used to be with Liam, plus I'm pregnant?

I can't even imagine how much hate I'm going to receive now. The curse words being used to describe me. How horrible and unworthy I am.

Shutting my eyes tightly, his face came back to mind, but this time I could hear his voice. ' You're so fucking worthless! No wonder your mother gave you up when you were young! She probably staged that whole kidnapping so that she didn't have to worry about you!'

He'd continue to shout out all that until I eventually knocked out from him hitting me. My hands immediately went up to my arms, I could still feel his touch on my skin. The pas of his finger tips lingering on me when he wanted me. The thickness of his sharp nails digging into me when I didn't listen to him.

All the things I pushed to the back of my head, to where I couldn't even remember what had happened. Yet, all of a sudden they crept up and I'm reliving then all over again.

I didn't notice how caught up in my memories I was, that I didn't even know I was on the floor crying. Harry was by my side trying to comfort me. His hands layed on my cheek, but it felt like I had just gotten slapped by Flynn.

" Stop! Get away from me!" I screeched hurriedly getting up. My tears rapidly running down my face.

" Sam what's wrong? Tell me, I want to help you only if you tell me what's wrong!" He shouted frustratingly, he pulled his hair and walked towards me.

When he did so, a flash of Flynn appeared and I screamed. " No! Please, don't touch me!" I covered my face with hands, somehow shielding me.

" Sam! Listen to the sound of my voice, it's me Harry. It's going to be okay, it's just me, I'm not going to hurt you." He pulled me into him carefully. His touch soothed me, exactly like how it did back at the facility.

That's when i knew i was safe once again. Soon, i began to sob into Harry's chest. No matter how much i try to lock the memories, they keep coming back even stronger, more cryptic. More clearer.

I sobbed into Harry's chest harder and harder due to the fear that was running through my veins, if you were a foot away you would be able to hear my rapid heart beating against my chest. The thoughts of him slowly began to fade away from my mind, the only thoughts filling my mind were of Harry and i.

Then it happened.

My water broke.

" Shit." i cursed loudly making Harry's eyes grow wide.

" Did you just curse?" he asked looking at me like if i had said i was a man.

" Does that really matter right now? My water just broke!" i shouted feeling a contraction. I held my stomach to ease the pain.

He looked down at the floor then at my stomach," Shit." I nodded," Yeah."

" Shit, shit, shit- What do i do?" he asked nervously. " You take me to hospital dumb ass!" i shouted smacking his head.

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