Chapter 29

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A/N hey guys I tired to make this update a bit lengthy. Hope you like it!

Songs for this chapter:
· Apologize - Timbland
· Does he know? - One Direction

~ Sam's p.o.v

" Liam I'm so sorry you had to find out the way you did, I was going to tell you-"

" When Sam? When we're you planning on telling me?!" he shouted in frustration, Harry looking at us.

Tears ran down my face, my hiccups the only thing being heard throughout the room. I didn't have an answer. I was going to tell him, but I didn't know how. I was really dodging it because I didn't want to hurt him, not this way.

" Liam-"

" I told you everything! All the stuff I was planning on telling you! How could you?!" he asked

" I'm so sorry, I know I should have told you-"

" Yes, you should've told me! I told you everything, I trusted you!"

" Liam-"

" Enough Sam. Just please stop talking." He said.

" Hey mate, I think your being a bit aggressive." Harry defended from behind Liam.

" No I think you are, mate. How can I even call you a mate when you knew the whole time?!" Liam argued. It was quiet between us three.

" I'm done, I just need time to think for myself." He waved with his hand, then storming out of the door.

If your confused, I should probably explain why Liam is upset.

It all started yesterday . . . .

" Sam where did Harry end up taking you last night? You didn't come home until midnight!" Cat exasperated, throwing her arms up.

I rolled my eyes," For the thousandth time Cat. I'm not telling you guys, it's a secret."

She let out a groan, Nina laughing in the back at Cat's exaggeration.

I couldn't tell the girls what me and Harry did, it was too exotic I should say. After me and Harry kissed at the lake we talked, and I spilled to him about being Liam's secret friend that he always calls. He confessed that he had talked to me once when Liam went to the restroom. We laughed at one of the jokes he said on the phone and ate then took a dip in the water, with clothes, obviously. So when we got out, we drove into town. . . . and we, well I, did something crazy.

I got a tattoo. ( pic on side. It's the same as Harry's, but smaller )

If I told the girls I got a tattoo with Harry they would wig out and go all a wall on me, you wouldn't even know So I kept quiet, and hid my tattoo, which is located on my side, under my clothes.

The girls were laughing at something I didn't know, but I joined too before my mom came to our room.

" Hey girls, do you three want to go grab some ice cream down at Lillian's ice cream parlor? She's a friend of mine so I'll get a discount." she smiled warmly at us. We laughed and nodded.

" Ok, be ready in 20." she said cheerfully walking out of the room and closing the door. We quickly threw some decent looking clothes on, and headed downstairs.

" You girls ready?" my mom cheered grabbing her purse and keys from the counter.

" Yes!" Nina said happily.

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