Chapter 39

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A/n This is going to be a sort chapter because I just wanted it to be mainly about Nina and Niall. I added the part about Sam because. . just because.

hope you like it!

Songs for this chapter:
Truly, madly, deeply- One direction
Heart by Heart- Demi lovato

" No matter how much you fight it, the heart wants what the heart wants. . "


It was like sleeping beauty or snow white, I woke up.

When our lips detached, I gazed at Niall, the blond headed boy I fell for. His hair was up like always, guessing that Lou fixed it for Harry's birthday. His blue eyes were glowing brightly, along with his toothy smile. The crinkles by his eyes and mouth made butterflies erupt in my stomach. Niall was my everything, and I can't believe it took me almost never waking up to realize that.

" Nina-"

I held a finger against his lips, " I love you."

His cheeks turned red, giddy smile present against my touch, and I loved the sight of it. " We'll be outside. You need some alone time." Dr. Reid suggested rushing everyone out, except Sam who was still sleeping.

It was quiet, the slight beeping coming from the monitors, My hands entwined with Niall's. Taking a glance at them, a smile formed on my lips. " Niall, " my eyes met his concerned ones, " When you talked to me or kissed me. . . " my finger strokes his hand earning a couple of shivers from him," I was awake. " his eyes widened a few inches," Don't be embarrassed. I, well- . . . that's what kept me alive." my throat was beginning to tighten, " Every time you did what you did. . . I fell for you harder and harder. I knew that saying those things to me, wasn't easy, especially because we had that fight before . . . " I couldn't finish the sentence. I didn't know what to say next. 

" Those sweet words that you whispered to me during the days that I was in my coma, made me feel loved. They made me want to get up and live, because before you I didn't want to continue my life. There was nothing that made me want to keep going on, then when you came along. And I finally found that something. That someone." I corrected smiling up at him.

My hand went up to his cheek, caressing it softly. His hand went up and overlapped mine, a sweet gesture that made my heart turn into puddy. " Niall. . . there are so many, somany, feelings that I have towards you. But I can't put them into words. And for the first time. .  I'm speechless." a chuckle escaped his lips, a tear streak went down my cheek. His finger wiped it way quickly.

" What I'm saying is, " I glanced at our entwined hands, then back at him," I want to spend every second of everyday with you trying to figure out the words that describe how I feel about you." more tears ran down my face, a small smile forming," And I hope you feel the same, because Niall James Horan from Mullingar, Ireland. I am truly, madly, deeplyinlovewithyou."

" And I am truly, madly, deeply, in love with you Nina Rodriguez, from-"

He paused looking at me to finish the sentence, I laughed," Bakersfield California. "

" Wait- your really from here?" he asked. I laughed nodding.

" Oh. I knew that." he said jokingly.

" You goofball." I said before kissing him once again.

~ Sam's p.o.v

" Sam, you're worthless! You should die already, a piece of shit like you should be left in this room to die!" Flynn's voice boomed. His fists at his side's, an unpleasant emotion on his face.

" Fuck, I can't believe he loves you. . " he stayed quiet right after. A silence took over, a child breeze going down my neck.

His eyes darted down at mine, as if piercing into my soul. They were a dark brown, almost black. The frown upon his face along with his furrowed eyebrows made me close my eyes to keep away from crying. The touch if his fingers running down my arm, set chills down my spine.

" What? You don't like my hands touching your skin?" he teased menacingly.

" Please. . " I tried, but he continued.

" Please what? Do you want me to stop?. . . " he smiled," or keep going?" his other hand took over my other arm.

When I looked up, I didn't see Flynn's face anymore, it was replaced with Harry's. His emerald green eyes that I loved to look into, the dimple that dipped on the side of his smirk. His dark tanned skin covered in peach fuzz all over his face. The slight dark hairs that were forming into a mustache at the top of his lips. Those two small brown dots at the bottom right.

He was here. He was going to save me.

" Harry-"

" Shut up." he cut off .

I stumbled back momentarily. Pure shock taking over me in that one moment before getting the courage to talk to him. " What?"

" Shut the hell up!" he shouted slapping me across the face. " Fuck! You can't even listen! I don't know why I ever loved you !"

" You loved me?" I asked, voice small.

He scoffed, " No. You fall for anything, huh?" he chuckled.

Those words broke my heart along with my broken body.

I woke up scared and sweating. The room that I was in was dark and I didn't know where I was. I want in the basement anymore. Flynn and Steve were no where to be seen. There weren't any steel pipes doing water anywhere, no dingy wet dog smell, nothing.

There were white walls all around me, and I was in a queen sized bed with lavender sheets and fluffed matching pillows. There were elegant design's on the pillows and blanket.

Where was I?


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