Chapter 22

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A/N Hey guys how's it been going?! I hope you guys have been enjoying the story so far and excited for the rest of it! I love you guys so much you don't even know it! I appreciate you guys so much that I can cry!

Okay here's the next chapter, hope you like it!

Songs for this chapter:

- Let Her Go - Passenger

- That should be me- Justin Bieber

~ Harry's p.o.v.

" C'mon Liam! I wanna go around the rink at least once!' Sam laughed dragging Liam behind her out to the rink. She kept laughing as Liam tried his hardest to walk over to the entrance of the rink, his feet wobbling as he began to lose his balance. I scoffed at how he was holding onto her shoulders as if he was going to fall off a cliff. He fell and dragged Sam down with him, which resolved in her falling on top of him. They laughed loudly at Liam's clumsiness and my rage began to boil.

I hate that he gets to go and be all buddy buddy with her and I get t be here. . . .watching. I have to stay here and hold back on my fucking feelings towards Sam while Liam goes and practically throws himself at her. Ad she doesn't even know that she's already holding two peoples' hearts. As she laughed her eyes squinted and her dimples became very prominent making her look a thousand times more flawless than any model, actor, celebrity, any one who is considered  human.

Why though? Why can Liam get to be with her for as long as he wants and not have her be skeptical about it?  Why can he hug her goodbye and hold her hand when they go ice skating? Why cant I be that person to do all that and have Liam be the odd one out? I think I know why.

It's because of my attitude towards the people I dislike. Its because I do the most shittiest things to people and I don't treat people the way I should. I know one of the reasons is because of my reputation with woman. I know i'm known for sleeping with a lot of models and celebrities, but I only do it because I want the satisfaction of being the one to chose my own path instead of management telling me what to do. I want to be the one to have a hold on my own life instead of it being controlled by the people who kind of helped me be in the place I am in now.

And right now, i'll do anything to get Sam to be with me even if it means just being friends. I want to be the one she calls in the middle of the night because she cant sleep. I want to be the one she laughs at because im wobbling over to the ice rink behind her with my hands I her shoulders. I want to be the one to hug her goodbye when she leaves back to her mums after visiting me.

" - Harry! " I hear a high pitched scream close to my ear. I flinch and turn to see it was the devil herself.

" What do you want Dawn?" I groaned.

" Really?.Is that how you're gonna talk to me?" she sassed putting her hands on her non existent hips. I stifled a laugh at my hilarious thoughts before she punched me on the chest.

" What the hell! What the fuck was that for!" I hissed rubbing where she punched me.

" Stop laughing at every damn thing I say, it's so fucking annoying!" She exasperated.

" I don't laugh at every damn thing you say." I argued.

" Yes you do!"

" When we're the times that I was 'supposedly' laughing at something you said." I challenged.

" Fine. Remember that time when you were calling me from your car Bluetooth and I was in the middle of telling you something, but you kept on laughing?!"

I squinted my eyes trying to remember when I finally did. It was when Sam was making me laugh while we went back home from shopping the day she was at the hospital. I remembered those damn funny faces she was making and I began to crack up.

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