Chapter 6

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A/N Thank you to everyone who's reading my story ! I love every single one of you who told people about this story , if you did. Thank you so much!

Songs for this chapter are : ·Counting stars - One republic

·Firework - Katy Perry

~Sam's p.o.v.

       Losing someone you love and having to say goodbye to them is the single most hardest thing you'll have to go through.

I know because its happened to me . . . . . . ,twice. . . . now.

My dad was my best friend , the one I used to play pranks with , the person I called to my room when i had a nightmare , or was scared of the dark. Watching him leave me , us , in front of my eyes without me knowing was heartbreaking.

But not as much as this.

Even though my mom wasn't ever the same after my dad left us and lost her job, I still loved her. I remember when I was little, she would always take me out for ice cream when I got a good grade in school, or just because. She would also tell me these stories about . . . . how when she was little, she and her mom would pose in those glass windows you see at stores, and they would pose while people walked by and laughed.

My mom and I were like sisters, she showed me things and told me things , my father never could. I loved her so much, but now. . . . . .she's gone . . . . . forever.

Now being with a sheriff who keeps on saying how sorry he is for my loss, and if I'm okay, is a little awkward. Because me being the shy person I am, all I'm able to peep out is ," I'm fine"  without crying all over again.

Before, they had taken me back to my house to father my stuff. So I grabbed a luggage and folded my clothes in there along with the rest of my stuff, which wasn't a lot just toiletries. I went over to my closet and looked for anything else I might need, when a bag fell on the floor. I reached for it and was about to see what was inside, but the sheriff told me we had to get a move on. So I just brought it with me to the car, the one I was currently in right now with the sheriff.

He had parked the car in front of a huge house, white with a dark brown trim. When I opened the door, the scent of strawberry cheesecake tickled my nose and chatter filled my ears. I stepped out and the sheriff nodded his head for me to follow him while he carried my luggage.

We were on the doorsteps of the house and the chatter was at its loudest, the scent even stronger. When he rang the doorbell, that's when everything grew quiet.

It was complete silence.

A thin petite woman came into view when the door opened . She eyed us both and smiled warmly. " Hello, you must be the sheriff . . " she looked at me , " and what is your name ?" I stood there, speechless.

I hated the spotlight. I hated it when I was younger, I still hate it now. I didn't like when everyone's attention was on me, because then I begin to feel nauseous.

When I was in the 5th grade, my teacher told me to go up in front of the class and say something about myself. My nerves began to act up and my blood grew warm. My hands got clammy as I walked up to the front of the class. I saw every single pair of eyes in the classroom on me and that was when. . . . . I fainted.

The teacher got scared and took me to the nurses office to do a check up. She said that I needed to get over it, and try not to be as shy. Every time we had to do an assignment that included going up to the front of the class, I was the first one she picked. And every time I was picked . . . . .i fainted. She them started to realize I wasn't much of an attention person, so she never picked me again.

In short, I was never really much of an attention person, even now as the sheriff and the lady stared at me, waiting for me to answer.

"Her name is 'Uh, its -uh Sam. Sam Devry.' ", said a voice I recognized.

Soon I saw the person who I never thought I would see again was next to the lady grabbing my stuff from the sheriff, " Hey, you remember me? . . . . . Nina? "  I nodded warily, still aware of the people still looking at me.

" Follow me. "


Walking through crowded halls with thousands of doors on each side of you, I began to feel claustrophobic. But keeping my eyes on Nina was a bit trickier. She moved fast and every time we turned I would bump into a girl. I looked around frantically, signs with names on every door I passed, a girl of every kind, I bumped into.

" Keep up Sam." Nina called out, walking around, yet another corner, but leading to only one door. The door said ' Nina ' in green. She kicked the door open with a loud thump of her spiked boot, and said,  " Here's our room ."

We walked in and she through my bag on a bed," This is you corner." she motioned to the twin bed and the closet that was next to it.

She smiled and jumped on her bed, her arms under her head and her feet on the window that was next to her, then said, " Welcome to. ' Sally's Orphanage For Girls ' ."


I hope you liked this chapter!!!!!!!

I love you guys alottle!!!


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