Chapter 41

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A/N it's a short chapter sorry, but I am so tired and I just finished my first week of school. Cut me some slack.

'  Family will always be there, no matter how much you think you don't need them. . .    '


~ Harry's p.o.v

Harry, we're already landing at the airport. It was supposed to be a surprise." my mum carried on through the phone, " I've got to hang up now, I'll see you in a couple. Love you." without saying anything back, the line cut off from the other end. I rolled my eyes locking my phone and studying it into pocket.

Watching people rushing to get to their flights, I couldn't help but think. All of these people have problems, family problems to make it clear. For instance, that lady over by the luggage section. You can tell by how experienced she is with flying because of how quick she does everything, and judging by the ring on her finger she's married which means she probably not spending as much time with her husband. And that man over there, the one who has two kids beside him being rascals, his girlfriend is far away from them on her phone. You could tell that those aren't her kids by the way she looks at them disgusted everything they walk near her.

Everyone has complications in their life, and it doesn't always have to be with family, it could be with work. But fit me it's about the person I'm coming to love.

I haven't seen anyone for the past couple of days. After seeing Sam in that condition I had to get away, I couldn't even imagine what horrid person could do such a thing to her. In my mind, I blame myself. I blame myself because while some fucking psycho did whatever to her I didn't know where she was. I wasn't able to help her. To save her.

"  The plane from London, England has arrived. " the over com said throughout the airport. My black beanie stuffing my curls was beginning you slip off, my sunglasses on my face were bugging the crap out of me especially since there was no fucking Sun in the airport. But since we have the most dedicated fans who always figure out where we are at any given moment, I had to disguise myself.

" Harry!" immediately when I heard that, a group of girls walking passed me screamed and began searching for me. I cursed quickly walking over to my mum, but stopping when I saw a bunch of girls crowding her and Gemma.

" Shit." I cursed again making my way through the crowd to them.

" Oh my gosh Anne! You're so pretty, is Harry with you?!"

" Gemma I love you! "

" Where's Harry?! "

" I love you Gemma! You're so gorgeous!"

I love our fans. Because even if they always crowd us, they love our families and treat them with so much respect. the same way we do.

" Excuse me, I need to get through." I said in a high pitched voice, still trying to disguise myself.

When I reached my mum and sister, they knew it was me. So instead of saying anything they came with me and we walked straight to my car. As we slipped in, I took my beanie and glasses off.

" Happy birthday Harry! " Gemma hugged me from behind, my mum pinching my cheeks from beside me.

" It's always a pleasure having you girls here." I joked.

" Oh hush Harry. You know you love when I come visit you wherever you are." Gemma Said slapping my arm.

" Right Gems. " starting the car we left to a diner.

" Harry, is something wrong?" my mum asked after a couple minutes of silent driving. I forced a smile, " Why do you think something is wrong?"

" Really Harry? I'm your mother, I always knew when something's wrong."

" It's true. She always knows when something wrong even if I'm at uni. She called randomly and asks if I'm fine. It's crazy." Gemma chimed in.

" That's insane." I said sarcastically, then right after I said that I felt a slap on my arm.

" Ow! Gem can you stop with the hitting?!"

" No because your being an asshole and it's got to stop." She lectured, " We're here because we missed your and it's your birthday. I wouldn't at least thought you would be excited you were turning a year older."

I rolled my eyes turning into the diner parking lot," Well I'm not. If anything I would rather not celebrate my birthday. "

The engine cut off and I was already getting out when I felt my mum's hands stop me. I sighed, looking up to her, she had a saddened face. Her eyes were glossy, lips on a frown.

" Harry, please. "

With the cars rushing by, and the diner just a few steps away from us, I knew I should tell my mom about everything that has happened the past few months, but how? How would she take it?  There was only one way to find out.

Putting on my beanie and glasses again, I shut the door and opened there doors," I'll tell you once we get inside."


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