Mirajane: "So glad you all made it back safely!"

Erza and Nathaniel then walked up to Makarov to speak to him.

Nathaniel: "Master! It's been a while!"

Erza: "Hello Master."

Makarov: *Nod* "Well done, the both of you! Also... Nathan"

Nathaniel: "Yes Master?"

Makarov: "I heard through a little report that you unlocked new elements... care to show us...?"

Everyone: "WHAAAATT?!?!"

Everyone then swarmed Nathaniel

"You can use another element now?!"

"How many is that already?!"

"Could you show us what it is?"

Nathaniel: "Okay, please give me some SPACE!!"

Everyone then backed away from Nathaniel as he held out his hand. A small ice crystal, earth, lightning and dark orb appeared and everyone was amazed.

Juvia suddenly started crying tears of joy as the Guild Hall was suddenly flooded with water. Nathaniel put Wendy on his shoulder to protect her. Sure enough, both him and Wendy were swept away in the flood that was Juvia's crying. After the water was cleared out, everyone went back to normal and Mirajane walked up to Nathaniel and Wendy. Which Nathaniel put down Wendy on the floor slowly.

Mirajane: "Welcome to Fairy Tail!"

Wendy: "Oh wow! I can't believe I got to meet Erza, Big brother and Mirajane!"

Mirajane giggled slightly before speaking again.

Mirajane: "It's nice to meet you too Wendy! So, I'm guessing that your feline friend uses the same magic as Happy, but what magic do you use?"

Carla: "Don't you dare compare me to that tomcat!"

Wendy: "Ignore her, she's like that sometimes. I use support magic! Actually, I'm a Sky Dragon Slayer!"

The Guild Hall went silent for a moment and Wendy had a sad look on her face. Nathaniel was about to comfort her, until the Guild cheered extremely loud at their gaining of yet another DragonSlayer. Wendy then looked at Nathaniel with a big adorable smile on her face, and Nathan smiled right back at her he introduce her to some of his guild mates then Nathan take a beer from Cana and went to the second floor. Meanwhile, on the second floor... Gajeel was staring at Happy and Carla

Gajeel: "It's... not fair! Seriously! Why don't I have a flying kitty cat too?!"

Nathaniel: "I dont think your a type of person who is taking care of a cat like Happy and Carla"

Gajeel: "Why is that?"

Nathaniel: "No offense but your aura just might scare the hell out of them, but still if you want to search a cat like them look for eggs"

Gajeel: "What eggs? And why eggs?"

Nathaniel: "I cant recall what the egg is called but I've seen it because of Happy came from that egg with a dragon symbol attach to it. But as for now I think there are no such thing now in Magnolia"

Back down below, Makarov had drinks ready on the counter.

Makarov: "Alright everyone! Let's celebrate for our new members the only way we can! Let's party!!"

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