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You might have missed the previous chapter. If you have you might want to read that first :).

I know it is extremely confusing, just read it to the end and you will know why is it so confusing and have no link.

Jimin pov

After a certain mission, I was on a roll. Crossing off things that were on the list, one by one and in record time. I was efficient and useful. They kept me but not for long.

I had graduated and broke off all contact with them, never wanted to cross paths with them again.

The attempt — futile.

"Jimin, you don't think you can actually run from me." I had just picked up a call, and it was Jung Su. "What do you want? I did as you said and I'm sure that is enough repayment for your kindness." I answered, annoyed. I've wanted to hang up but maybe I was expecting something.

"I have a job for you. You will do it. No questions asked, right." It was phrased as a question but I knew better.

"What do you want me to do?" I answered. I knew I had no choice. Life had given me lemons so I just have to make do.

"I've sent Jung Gin on his way. He will tell you everything." Jung Su hung up and once again I was left speechless by this selfish man who made me so obsessed with torture. I wanted to see the pain in the eyes of others.

He must've known, he must've planned it. I am so damn foolish and naive at that time. I let him use me and now, look at the shape I'm in.

That day Jung Gin came in with a bunch of tools, a tattooing machine as well as a dagger with special designs, and a bunch of other stuff.

"Lie down, its going to hurt." Jung Gin said with a monotonous voice but his eyes showed sadness and pity. I don't know why but I really trust him. He was the ray of light in my world of darkness, even if he did hurt me (probably under the orders of Jung Su).

I laid down on my stomach as he started to work the machine on my back. It was a design that was not really seen in tattoo shops, neither would anyone request such a design either. Because of all that, I have a pretty good idea what the tattoo possibly meant, yet I sat there and took it all.

It's easier to accept than to resist whatever Jung Su wanted.

What happened for my life to turn this way?

Jung Gin said nothing through the whole process, nothing at all. He just focused on the work at hand, making sure it didn't hurt too much for me.

I'm not as crazy as everyone thinks, no, but I won't say that I'm putting up an act either, I'm not. I'm just following orders, completely numb to whatever is required.

"I'm done. Now turn around I need to use this dagger here." Jung Gin said in a calm voice.

With the slight buzzing pain on my back that wad a layer of protection from touching the unclean table I was on, I turned slowly and laid on my back.

He placed a cloth in between my lips before mumbling a soft sorry that only I could hear, given that we were the only ones in my room.

He used the dagger to carve on my chest and torso. My muffled screams just make him flinch.

He had a sad look on his face, why? It felt like this was the real him, one that is filled with compassion all over.

So many things happened and yet, I have no fucking idea which one drove me crazy but the culprit is Jung Su. The one who really deserved to die.

I might have wanted Jung Gin to die as well, since he really caused me a huge amount of pain for the 4 years in university.

He wrapped me up after finishing before he brought me in a hug, a gentle one filled with tenderness, mumbling loads of sorrys to me. Not that it mattered anymore, the deed has been done.

"Im sorry that I brought you to Jung Su. Just please stay out of trouble and listen to what he tells you to do. I'll try my best to keep him out of your life." Jung Gin said and left.

He did keep his promise to a certain extent. Knowing Jung Su, the man just never ever gives up. He kept Jung Su away for 2 years and I was only able to keep tabs on him through Jung Gin who sends me encrypted messages from time to time.

That was until Jung Su forced Jung Gin to be my patient. Then this shit happens.

I might've lied and pretended to be vulnerable, but don't judge a book by it's cover. *shrugs*

Lies and truths, don't mix it up, though I cant guarantee that what you read so far about my past is true. You just have to guess then. Hope you had fun reading this story, heh, the fourth wall will break for me *killer smile*.

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