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Yoongi pov

Well who would've thought that killing someone could lead to something so bad. Today is my first session with some psychiatrist by some government place.

I was dragged out of the car harshly, they barely treat me like human.

"Damn can't believe such a midget little cute face would actually be a killer. I would totally fuck him." One of the officers said.

Yea cause it's my first time, they don't know what would happen, they just want an extra safety measure by sending more people to be with me in case I miss behave or some shit.

I don't know. I was being restricted by the clothes I wear, I don't know what they call it but it's those kind of clothes where you see really mad people wear.

My arms are being held really tightly, chains are clanking with each other at my legs. They pushed me into a room with metal doors. I obviously was met with the damn floor, my head slamming into one of the leg of the table. There was a table and two chairs in the middle of the room.

The guards just laughed and left the room. "What the hell.." I muttered and just tried to stand up. I have a lot of pent up anger in me from all these abuse I get from stupid people like the officers supposed to so called "care" for me.

I just sat down on the chair and tried to free myself from my arm restraints. Then the door opened revealing a rather handsome man, clad in some sort of a doctor's coat.

"Hi, you must be a Yoongi right? I'm Mark." He introduced himself, very politely.

"Hi, and yea I'm Yoongi." I replied in the most gently voice I can. I don't know, it's like he has been kind to me until now — speaking to me like a normal human and stuff, not like those idiots waiting for me outside.

He had a smile on his face and damn, that untouched skin and all. Shit! He is my doctor.

"I don't think you have a problem actually, it was just one kill." He flipped through his file, his fingers though.

He saw me struggling, he still has a smile on his face before asking me, "Do you want to take it off?"

I just nodded and he came behind me with a key and easily unlocked it, I guess these restraints are from here then. I swung my arms a little, being quite sore for being restricted for so long.

"Shall we start with the questions?" Ok can I get something straight? Can someone be so damn gentle? Anyway, I just nodded and he began.

"So... I pretty much know your basic information because they were given to us by those officers outside. So let's start with who did you kill?" Well him mentioning the officers made my blood boil a little but I calmed down.

"Some random stranger on the street who had irritated me." I answered truthfully. I still remember that night, I was just walking alone on the streets and there was a group of thugs walking in front of me.

They decided to mess with me by surrounding me and wanting to do some shit to me. Due to the fact I didn't want to do what they wanted me to do, they started to attack me but I was nimble. I manager to steal the knife in their hands and slit their throats.

The blood splatter all over me, the police came after getting a call from some passers-by who don't know shit about what happen and got me arrested, they didn't want to hear my explanation.

"I see, well honestly you shouldn't be here, if it was just a one time thing. I don't know what the station is thinking about." He said as he wrote some things on the file.

While he was writing I could hear the officers snickering, maybe I'm being paranoid and stuff, I totally think they making fun of me.

It just makes me see red and I guess I have violent tendencies and it clouds my judgement. I grab the doctor since he was the only person in the room and slam him against the door.

His head started bleeding from the impact. I didn't know what to do. He was still awake but like he wasn't frantic or fearful of me.

"I know you didn't mean it I heard them too." He spoke, still so gently.

I bang on the door desperately, I don't want to hurt him, no never. I never want to hurt this guy in front of me.

Immediately the officers open the door. They saw me freed and all, the doctor was bleeding. They started to beat me up, and tase me with the taser, one of them even shot me with a gun, the bullet going through my shoulder. They turned their voltage up high.

I was already shaking very hard from the electricity that is being forced through my body. Before I blacked out, I saw fear in his eyes, I didn't even see it just now when I slammed him against the door.

It seemed like he was scared of the officers who are doing all the horrible things to me. He ran out and I blacked out.

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