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It is Jimin's flashback, kinda. Just read it and you will know.


"Hey, I'm sorry, is this seat taken?" Jung Gin asks. He is a senior in Jimin's field of study. Jimin looked up slightly shocked that a senior had approached him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, are you waiting for someone?" Jung Gin asks with a smile on his face. His eyes sparkling as his brown locks flow in the slight wind. Jimin shook his head.

The man sat in front of him looks so unreal, like he came from heaven. "Say, I've been observing you for the past few days. You're actually really handsome and hardworking." Jung Gin shows a killer smile. It made Jimin blush.

"I'm sure that's not it." Jimin whispered. Jimin doesn't have any friends. Everyone leeched off him because he is smart and everyone just wants the advantages. Jung Gin looked at Jimin with real concern but doesn't say much, "Anyway, I'm Jung Gin. Nice to meet you."

Jimin smiles slightly, "I know who you are. I'm Jimin, Park Jimin." Jimin stuck his hand out for a shake which Jung Gin gladly took.

Jung Gin took the chance to help turn a lost lamb into his own minion — not really his own, his brother's. His brother had been so obsessed with Jimin since he had no friends and such an easy target.

"Say, why are you alone? You're so smart and handsome, you should have many friends flocking you." Jung Gin asks, clearly knowing the reason why Jimin is alone. Jimin although smart and hardworking, always getting good grades, he doesn't dress up (even if he has good looks, you know it).

"Yea I'm not good looking at all." Jimin just wants to run away, the endless compliments makes him feel so uncomfortable.

"Let me bring you to a friend next week, but let's go on a date today. I'll bring you to a very popular cafe." Jung Gin smiles, "I'll see you after classes then."

Jimin pov

Days went passed, it was date after date. Jung Gin is a nice person who always treats me well. I started to trust him. He brought me to all sorts of places and even met his brother who seemed nice as well.

I could already sense the anomaly in his brother's behaviour, definitely not natural. "Hey, why not you join us? It's going to be fun." Jung Gin asked.

Join him? Join him in what? I remember that I always see men in suits with guns. What are they doing? Those firearms are illegal in Korea. Are they possibly the mafia? Should I inform someone?

I made the choice to tell someone about it. I'm currently in school, putting my study materials into my bag as I mad my way to the office. I had to tell them about Jung Gin. It could cause dangers to the school.

I walked there with a determined look on my face but was stopped by Jung Gin along the way. "Where are you going?" That look, that look that I have never seen appear on Jung Gin's face before.

He pushed me against the locker before I could even speak. "You better know your place..." words fade as the person I once knew changed drastically, causing damage to my body.

I went back home with bruises all over my body. My parents never questioned and they never cared about what really happened to me. Those 4 years were true living hell for me.

I might have forgotten a lot of the things that had happened but the abuse from Jung Gin had never changed over the years. Somehow when I look into those eyes, I just know he didn't mean it, still it hurt but I tolerated the pain. He must have had his reasons.

Soon after, I was more and more involved in the crimes Jung Su did. He would send me out on mission with the men he had hired. The pain I saw in the victims, didn't make  things any better for me.

Maybe I was used it to but it was my final year in university, still I'm keeping up with my school work and going through with the ridiculous demands of Jung Su.

Jung Gin seemed to be himself but still acts abusive when we were in front of Jung Su. We would cuddle to sleep and share kisses. I love him, yet I hate him at the same time. The pain is not easy to handle.

I knew I had to get away or I would really turn psycho.

It turns out my plans to get away from the Jung brothers are just useless because I got sent on even more dangerous, so much more gruesome missions (that was what Jung Su called them).

I felt myself breaking under the pressure. Each one just gets harder than the previous and I'm forced to carry them out. At some point, maybe I thought if I can't escape it, might as well enjoy it, and enjoy I did.

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