Meliodas sama

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Meliodas took a step backwards gritting his teeth.
He brushed off the drift on his lap.
He couldn't win he really got himself in a tough situation.
" come on!"
Growled Zeldris as her snarled.
His fist smashing through Meliodas stomach.
Sending him flying backwards.
You can't win unless you, actually try brother!"
Meliodas rose to his feet starring down Zeldris.
Anger stirring in his stomach.
" you are weak brother!"
Another hit to the face.
Meliodas slamed his own fist into Zeldris face.
A satisfied crack echoing off the demon.
" your right Zeldris I can only beat you if I give in!"
I don't care I'm going to go and find him.
We've been here for over a day."
Lucy nodded raising to her feet.
" come on I'll go with you."
Elizabeth took Lucy hand as the two found themselves walking through town.
" should we go back to the train we left him at?"
Lucy rolled her eyes.
" well that probably the best idea."
Elizabeth nodded. The two walking in a easy silence.
Hours easily passed as the girls strolled to where they had originally been attacked.
Elizabeth wasn't thinking much of anything other than her beloved Meliodas sama.
Worry filling her heart and chocking her.
It was surfacing into her throat.
It was the whole reason she had asked Lucy to leave.
Wanted to leave not caring what the girl actually had to say.
" Elizabeth stop!"
Lucy yelled grabbing her by the wrist.
She quickly pushed Elizabeth to the floor.
The laying on top of her a sickening looking red burbling surface moved over the two of them.
Something thick and wet had fallen into Elizabeth.
" Lucy what is it?"
" something is around here."
" what?"
Elizabeth gasped.
As something cranked against the barrier Lucy had put up.
" shush!"
Elizabeth nodded at the blond promptly shutting her mouth.
As another loud clank rang through the barrier.
" oh please come on out!"
A voice rang through this time.
Lucy shook slightly her face running pale.
" that sounds like sir Meliodas lift it Lucy!"
Lucy nodded the barrier falling back and sunshine falling through to Elizabeth.
A small pout formed on Lucy face as she faced sir Meliodas.
" captain how could you see it, my barrier is invisible on the outside!"
Meliodas smirked a snarl forming on his lips.
" oh that's easy the two of you stink like humans."
Elizabeth stumbles backwards as she peered at the her lover.
Worry rushing forward.
As she took several step towards him.
" sir Meliodas..."
He gazed at her, his face softened,
" Elizabeth..."
And the next thing the girl knew the boy had buried himself in his chests.
Tears falling from her own eyes.
" what happened sir Meliodas."
" I lost control again."
" obviously!"
Lucy screeched her palms curling in on themselves.
" anytime a demon is a hard battle are you just going to lose all control become the very thing you try to surprise captain!"
The blonde screeched at him.
" I... I don't know."
Lucy grabbed the boy, pushing off Elizabeth.
" you need to get a hold on yourself, if you keep going down this path your not only going to die! You'll kill us along with you!"
Natsu pov.
The boy steadily walked towards where this hi bitch was supposed to be.
Gritting his teeth peering at gray who had demanded to come with him.
Lucy's words replaying in his head.
That girl she was all he could think about.
From her smiling face to her long blonde hair till finally her sad face as she begged him not to go and find this hi girl demon!
He paused as he noticed a odd new smell.
" hey gray I think I smell her?"
" you think?"
" she smells off and kinda terrible if I'm being honest."
" hey that's rude."
A small girl floated down through the street.
" what are you, you seem to have quite the nose."
He grit his teeth.
" you could say."
A wide smile grew over the girls face.
" oh I think this is going to be very fun."

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