Rage and love

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Natsu stormed down the dead streets.hid heart hammering in his ear.
Rage blooming in his heart.
He was going to kill the woman who had dared lay a hand on his Lucy.
His mind drifted to darker places for a moment as he imagined ripping the heart of that girl out of her body and watching her burn from the inside out.
He shook his head pooping down on the ground breathing heavily as he hit himself over the head.
What the hell did he just think!
That was not him.
But all he could think of was protecting Lucy and getting revenge on the girl who had tried to take her from him.
Rage was consuming him whole leaving a sour taste in his mouth.
In need to get ahold of myself!
His breath came in short pants as he leaned back against the wall.
He didn't know what to do or where to go.
" there you are you idiot!"
Gray mumbled his lips already pulled back in a sneer.
" what do you think you would accomplish doing that?"
He shook his head silently.
" I've never felt this way gray..."
Gray scoffed running a hand through his hair.
" your capable of something more than hunger I didn't know!"
Natsu chuckled.
" I didn't know what love felt like till I saw Lucy hanging from that girls hand half dead."
Gray gently placed himself next to Natsu as he nodded.
" what are you going to do?"
Natsu met his gaze.
" I want to burn that girl alive I've never felt this way before."
" I think they would be my fault..."
Natsu eyes met hers quickly as a smile grew across his face as he stumbled to his feet.
" your awake !"
He practically kept to her bringing her into a warm hug.
" I was so scared!"
Warm tears poured down his face as his hand rested on the back of her head as he cried into her shoulder.
" I was scared I would never see you smile again.
" hey hey!"
She mumbled bringing his face into her hands as he cupped her own.
She smiled softly.
Tears forming in her own eyes.
" I caused all of this!"
He smiled as he brushed away her tears.
" what are you talking about?"
" that feeling you felt, I caused that!"
He shook his head.
" even if you could do that it wouldn't matter because your still Lucy and that's who you always will be in my eyes the girl who yells at all of us and is scared by the Easiest enemy's but gosh be darned if you need to take down a difficult enemy you'll do it even if it means you have to go through hell your tough as nails and have the biggest heart. And that's why I love you."
She smiled softly.
" you really love me?"
He smiled.
" I guess I was drawn to you from the very beginning."
" really?"
" no."
He laughed as she fell into his arms.
" but I new not soon after that you were the one I wanted."
Her sobs grew as she cried into his shoulder.
" I'm only going to hurt you don't do this to yourself every one should just go back to the guild and let me and the sins take care of the. Commandments it's are probably!"
He only laughed.
" you really think any of us would let you do that your problem is are problem to you know."
" I think I don't even want to go back I don't know what I was whining and crying about I've had the best family I could every ask for but please don't kill her for me kill her for the good of this country and I think that even though I love you I'm going to go back because I can't let you love me I will only hurt you my blood lust will always control other people even the pure hearted like you. He shook his head as a black mist wrapped around her body.
" Luce stop this we can be happy! She shook her head.
" if you want to be difficult go find her and see what happens when you find her?"
He nodded.
" I'll make you stay where your family and you belong with us you got that!"

Elizabeth pov
Elizabeth plopped herself down on the soft mattress as Lucy saunters back into the room.
She liked Lucy most of the time but then again there was nobody she really disliked in her group.
She let out a soft sigh as her heart weighed heavily.
" Lucy ?"
She voiced gently at the pretty girl.
Lucy smile gently back at her as she nodded her head.
" yes Elizabeth?"
" do you think sir meliodas is alright?"
Lucy frowned.
" caption always been strong but these monsters are the toughest thing we have ever had to face. Honestly I couldn't tell you if he will survive we only can hope he did or..."
Elizabeth straighten her back as she frowned deeply.
" I know what your implying but sir Meliodas would not die that easily I say that it took all of the commandments to kill him when ... he died in my life."
" I only know what Merlin has told me and that's little to nothing..."
Lucy murmured quietly look at the poor girl who wore her heart on her sleeve.
Elizabeth stood up her eyes narrow and her heart set.
" can I go and look for him in the least?"
Lucy shook her head.
She didn't want to tell the poor girl no but how could she let her go? Elizabeth couldn't fight much and then there's always the fact that he could already be dead by the time she found him.
Elizabeth let out a small sob.
" please even if he is dead I can heal his body for the next time he revives I can't leave him out there I need him I love him with everything I have Lucy please you at least understand that don't you?"

" maybe we should just give all of this up?"
Elizabeth's eyes widened at the broken girl as Lucy curled up into a ball a soft sob racking her chest,

"what are we supposed to do?"

Elizabeth pondered as she looked over the girl.

" I don't know?"

" I guess we look pretty stupid don't we?"

lucy laughs slightly.

"no kidding?"
"to girls stuck in love they didn't ask for right?"
lucy nodded a forced laugh coming fourth.

" that's one way to put it."

"really though what is are next action supposed to be?"

Hey hey I don't lie...
But ok since I'm trying to update the quality and frequency of this book I want to know do you guys want him to fight merascylla out of love for Lucy or not please share your thoughts😬😬😬🥰🥰🥰🥰
Love you all and wash your hands and keep safe please

A fairy's sinful past (completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz