All The Right Moves- Chapter 36

Start from the beginning

She shot me a sorrowful look.

I felt sadness for her, it had been years and you could tell by the hollowness in her eyes that this carried on with her all these years.

"Wesley died. Blake lost her unborn child. I suffered a bad head injury and now have amnesia." I stated.

"There are bigger issues than betrayal over a guy and stupid mistakes you make when you're just 18 or 19 years old. I hope you're not the same person you were and that you've made wiser choices since then. I'm not speaking to you to diminish what you've done in the past because they were wrong." I continued.

She looked closely at me, clinging on to every word that I was saying.

I sighed before speaking, "But I forgive you."

A single tear left her eye and I knew in that moment that my words impacted her more than I thought words could impact another person.

She looked at the ceiling and let out a deep breath I hadn't realized she had been holding.

"Charlie, I never once wake up and not think about my actions. If things had been different, my life would be completely different. But I have tried to rebuild it all. Everything had settled down and I am finally content with how things played out. But I've never felt at peace with this at all," She choked out.

I shot her a sorrowful look, "I don't know if my words have any meaning to you at all, but I do forgive you. If I could forgive him for what he did, then I have enough forgiveness in my heart to be at peace with what's happened. And I've found that, with both of you."

She nodded, "Thank you."

I nodded.

"Michelle what are you doing here?" I heard a familiar voice say.

The only voice that would send goosebumps all over my body.

We both shot our attention to Drew who stood protectively beside me.

"I just happened to run into Charlie on my way out," Michelle stated as she stood up from the table.

"Michelle, if I find out if you pulled any bullshit I swear to god-"

Drew stated matter of fact before I lifted my hand to shut him up.

"I'm fine Drew. We're fine. Michelle, take care of yourself," I interrupted ushering for her to leave immediately.

I looked around us, grateful not a lot of people were here.

"What in the hell makes you think it's alright for you to just barge up into my conversation with someone?" I asked pissed.

I stood up so that we were facing each other.

"Are you stalking me now? How did you even know I was here?" I asked confused.

He shook his head, "I didn't know, I swear. I was meeting up with my agent and we always have our meetings here, you know this."

He flinched and slapped his forehead after his sentence.

I shot him a sarcastic grin, "Yeah I definitely remember you meeting your agent here before."

"Shit Tiger, I didn't mean it like that."

I waved at his comment, "Drew, I really don't need you to come in and act like a knight in shining armor. I'm fine, she wasn't doing anything not that it is any of your business. I can take care of myself."

I saw his jaw clenching and I knew he was refraining and holding back his emotions.

"You don't need her in your life, she is toxic." He added.

"And hiding the truth from me wasn't?" I replied more rude than anticipated.

My eyes were staring into his.

His piercing blue eyes searching mine, desperate for forgiveness.

"Hey Charlie, my bad I'm late. Is everything okay?" I heard Adam say as he stood on the other side of me.

I turned my head away from Drew's gaze, "Hi Adam. You're fine but I was just leaving, I'm not feeling that good at the moment."

"Tiger let me take you home," Drew insisted as I put my coat on.

I lifted my hand up, "Don't, please. Thank you but I need some space with you Drew."

"Charlie, I'm not going to stand here and let Clark Kent take you home." He stated.

I rolled my eyes, "Really Drew?"

Adam lifted his hands up in defeat, "I'll be in the front, just holler if you need.." He looked at Drew up and down before continuing.

"Yeah okay then," Adam stated scurrying to the door quickly.

"Are you kidding right now?" I shouted at Drew.

Drew shrugged his shoulders, "He knows better."

"Stop trying to dictate my life Drew. Enough." I yelled at him.

I noticed we were starting to get people's attention now.

"Adam is taking me home whether you're okay with it or not. I'm not yours to be controlling and you need to back off," I responded before walking away from him.

I walked to the front not looking back once.

"Sorry about that," I told Adam as I buckled the rest of my jacket.

"I'm so sorry about this but let's reschedule, my place tomorrow?" I told him as he held the door open.

"And by yours you mean Blake's right?" He asked to clarify.

"Yes, I'll tell you where to go right now on our way so you'll know for tomorrow." I replied.

He nodded, "Sounds like a plan."

He shut the door behind us and I could feel Drew's attention on my back burning into me as I walked out of the restaurant. 

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