Farkle, Can you Keep a Secret?

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I decided to tell Lucas. He is after all my bestfriend, Maya is only my crush. And plus, I'm not so sure about that any more.

-5 hrs earlier-

"So you wanted to meet me here Farkle?"
We were sitting in the same booth Maya and I were sitting at.
"Yes. I have something to tell you. And, there is no easy way to say it. Trust me, I tried to sugar-coat it any way possible."
"What...?" Lucas said, intrigued.
"Well... Maya is trying to break you and Riley up."
"I know."
"What do you mean?"
"Can you keep a secret Farkle"
Well, considering this whole thing was sappossed to be a secret, no, but what the heck, I HAVE TO KNOW!!!.
"Maya... she... well she kissed me yesterday..."

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