From, Farkle

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Okay, Maya has gotten to do all the talking so far so I'm going to catch you up to speed on the Lucas side of the story. But don't worry the cliff hanger Maya and I left you with is to be resolved soon. But why not keep you on your toes? Anyways, Lucas liked Riley since the second he met her. But Mr. Matthews was and is against Riley dating so he couldn't, or rather, he was too scared to, ask her out. Plus Missy Bradford liked Lucas and thought Lucas liked her back. Let me just get one thing clear... He didn't, doesn't, and never will. He had been trying to ask her out forever but he just couldn't.
Anything else I need to tell you?
Any questions, comments?
Comment and I will answer them jn my next chapter!

Cross My Heart and Hope to Love (a rucas story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant