No Homework More Freedom

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"Did you do the homework?" Riley asked casually the next day.
"Of course not, thats what I'm fighting against."
"Right." Sighed Riley.
I don't know why she cares so much. Its not like it affects her in any way. But i don't know, its very annoying but sweet. We walked into class and took our seats. Mr. Matthews talked about our homework then asked if I would like to present first. Farkle, thinking he was going to go first, had already left to get his project.
"Can't do that sir."
"Why not?"
"Didn't do it"
"Why not?"
"Thats what I'm fighting against"
Before he could respond Farkle came running in with a big diorama with some sparklers. Something caught my attention, well sort of. He said something about how the burning of something ended something. That was all I needed to know. I stood up and took one of those sparklers and asked first for everyone's papers. Next I stood on my desk and stared loud and proud,
"The burning of the homework ended the homework because, there was no more homework."
"Maya! Dont" shouted Mr. Matthews.
I put the sparker and homework above my head just about to burn it. However, I didn't think about the fire alarm and sprinklers. As soon as they went over my head the sprinklers burst out and starting soaking the room. I looked over and saw Lucas covering Riley with his sweater. They were talking, but I couldn't tell what about. But I don't think I want to know anyways.

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