Subway Fights

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We rode home on the subway that day. Riley was very unknowing of the situation and how it would be hard for me to be her friend. I was thinking about what I had said. It was true, but what made me say that? I'm one of those people who always keeps my cool. What possessed me to cry? And to say that?
"Riley, if we cant hang out anymore, I understand."
"What do you mean?"
"Your dad is really mad at me. He isn't going to want you to hang around me."
"Did he say that?"
"No but he will," there was a pause of silence, "This is your stop"
I gently pushed her off the train and on to the platform. I maybe was taking it a little far but, what should I do. The lady from earlier started to yell at me about pushing my best friend off the train and how she wasn't talking to her best friend right now. I wasn't really listening though, I was just feeling so stupid because of the decision I made. Then all of the sudden the doors opened and Riley was standong there.
"Ooh! She's back! She opened those doors with the power of love!" Said the lady.
"I'm going to talk to my dad right now"
We both left to her house. I was unknowing of what she was going to do and that kind of scared me. I couldn't face her dad! Was she kidding? But I was dragged along anyways, to my despair.


"Dad, you want me to do my homework, well here it is. Maya is my best friend and I care about here so much I'm willing to fight for our friendship. You can't split us up."
"You think thats what I want Riley?"
"Well, yes"
"I want you to make your own world."
They all hugged and there was a sense of relief throughout the room.

Note from the Author:
Thank-you for the constructive feedback! I will change the story a bit to fit the comments. And yes I am mainly copying the show. And I'll try to change that a bit. But my main focus is having this story be from the POV (point of view) of Maya, so that we can see what her feelings were. Thank you for the feedback!

Cross My Heart and Hope to Love (a rucas story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora