Mr. Googley and Cereal

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I picked Riley up from her apartment at 7, just like I do every morning. Today a was a little early so I watched Mr. Googley with Auggie and ate some cereal. Yes, I know, and just to clarify Im not part of their family. I am a Hart not a Matthews. But I guess maybe I'm a Matthews. Now that I think about it, I am. I am more a Matthews than a Hart. But either way, thats how my morning went. Mr. Googly, cereal, and Auggie.
"These are a few of my favorite things"
"RILEY HURRY UP" i could hear Ms. Matthews yelling from the other room.
"Oh, hello Maya"
"Whats up?" I casually replied
"Gotta go, gotta go, hurry up, hurry up... Im ready!" Yelled Riley as she poked me to walk out the door.
"Bye mom!"
"Bye Ms. Matthews!"
"Goodbye.." The door slamed

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