Chapter Two: Rivals, Friends, School, and The Moon?

Start from the beginning

"Don't be late, Merida first impressions are always the most important!" Rapunzel tells me.

"Yeah, yeah, ay know," I shrugged her off.

I walked down the hallway smirking as people cleared my path. People knew not to mess with Merida DunBroch. Well most there was only one person who was stupid enough to bug the living hell out of me.

As I stopped infront of the person who could annoy me to death with there sarcasm, and make me melt with there smile. The person I had a major crush on but wanted to crush with my fist. I looked up at the gorgeous eye, freckled face, hideously adorable person I hate so badly.

"Hiccup runt of the litter  Haddock," I hissed.

"Merida frizzy redhead devil  DunBroch," he replied.

The people around us snickered but flinched as I glared at them, "Oh, aye wait all summer for that original comeback," I chuckled sarcastically.

"Oh please just admit it you missed me," he smirked.

"Yeah ay miss yah just as much as ay missed that case of chicken pocks ye gave me three years ago," I smirked back.

"Oh frizzy I been waiting all summer just to see your faces," he says.


"Yeah, I mean who wouldn't miss wanting to throw up every time they see you," he says.

"Haha so funny ay forgot ta laugh," I replied.

With each word we said we got closer untill our noses barley touched. I could feel his hot breath on my faces. We glared into each others eyes.

"Okay i'd hate to interrupt your little reunion but were gonna be late for class," a white haired boy jumps in between us pushing us away from each other.

I didn't recognize this boy he must be new, "Better listen to ye boyfriend," I said to Hiccup.

"Yeah better listen to me, Wait!" The white haired boy spoke realizing what I said, "Excuse me frizzy i'm as straight as a line."

"Only as straight as a kindergartner can draw one," I said.

"For your information I have a very serious relationship with a girl!" The boy tells me.

"Jack we actually don't know who the girl is there for you can't really be in a ser-" Hiccup started.

"Shut up Hiccup!" Jack says.

I rolled my eyes, boys were confusing not as confusing as girls though and I should know because I am one. "Bye Kindergartner-line, and Runt," I said pushing past them.

Why did it have to be Hiccup Haddock? Why did I have to crush on my family enemies son? What wrong with me? How can you fall for a boy you want to push over....into shark infested waters?

I guess one could only guess...


Jack frowned staring at his hand, he refused to remove the ring because of the chance of lossing that one as well. I leaned into the back of my chair. I was currently in History mine and Jacks first class.

He had somehow talked his father into making our schedules almost exactly the same besides for math and English, when he was in math I was in English and the other way around. He says the only reason he wanted our classes the same is because were best friends but I know he just wants to copy off my homework and class work on a daily basis.

Jack had originally went to a school about a hour away, but his father switched him here to be closer to home and attend the same school as his fiance Rachaels son, Ryan an eighteen years old who Jack disliked so dearly.

Jack already had three siblings, the twins Emma and Jamie and the youngest Sophie. My guess he only disliked Ryan because he didn't want anyone to be compared to. Ryan was considered the golden child while Jack well he was more of the trouble maker.

Many question why i'm his friend us being so different. The story of how we became best friends starts when we were around seven, Jacks father thought I could rub off on hum me being will me straight A student and almost never in trouble.

Well Jack hated this so he bullied me for about a month but after awhile we became best friends. Although the rubbing off good behaver failed completely, his father was happy he had a non-troubled friend.

Little did he know, although I was the good, and what most considered the teachers pet I only made Jacks behaver worse. Jack just loved to tick me off so he did stupid stuff and made me get him out of trouble.

Although I had gotten him out of pretty much every bad things hes done. This time I wasn't sure I really could. I mean I got him out of trouble when he set his neighbors car on fire, and when he managed to some how make his anger management therapist floor solid ice. Never tell Jack to take time to cool down.

But some how, helping him track down his wife who he had no idea was and his fathers fiances wedding band seemed impossible. Only with the name of his wife and no description on what she looks like. Elsa Arendelle the name was familiar.

I'd searched it but there was alot of Elsa Arendelles which was shocking in my opinion how many people can have the name I mean seriously?! I feel bad for ever has the same name as me. I was so deep in thought I hadn't noticed Jack saying my name untill the third time.

"What?" I frowned.

"So you and redhead," he wiggled his eyebrows nodding over to my rival who sat between her two best and only girl friends.

"Its not like that! We've hated each other sinces we saw one another," I explained.

"Oh I get it, The boy and girl who hated each other so much, fell inlove, but kept there feelings hidden in fear the other didn't have they same feelings," he said in a girl voice.

I rolled my eyes, "Jack its not like that shes Merida DunBroch you know family rivals daughter," I reminded.

"Oh, so its more of a Romeo, Juliet problem," he says.

I groan, "No its more of a, family hates family, passes down so there kid hates kid," I said, "We hate each other, our families hate each other, we want to like destroy one another."

"I bet you twenty bucks you will fall in love with frizzy," he smirks.

"Sure whatever, but its never gonna happen. "

"Im right and I just know its fate!" He exclaims earning a few glances.

"So now you can predict the future?" I laughed.

"Yes I can, I see a tall dark handsome man is going to knock you out of your chair," he smirks.

"Sur-ah," I glared at Jack as he pushed me out of my chair the class laughed as I hit the floor.

"Your also gonna to do my homework tonight," he joked, not really.

"What your crystal ball tell you that," I rolled me eyes.

"No the moon told me," he smirked putting his feet on the desk taking my foot I kicked his chair watching him fall out his chair.

"The moon tell you that?" I laughed.

"No but mark my words Hiccup, the moon doesn't lie, I'm right," he says, "When the moon tells you something believe it."

"Whatever you say Frosty," I replied.


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