ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟡

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This part will be Deku's P.O.V. I hope you enjoy. If there any mistakes. Please tell me. I was half asleep when I started this part so I might make a few mistakes.

Deku's P.O.V

I run in into an alleyway, sobbing. Why won't Uraraka just tell me where (y/n) is?! I think and continue sobbing as it continued raining. I layed down on the alleyway ground and continue sobbing.
I heard someone walk into the alleyway and run to me. I look up and see familiar red hair, it was Kirishima. I hear him a gasp and I lay back down and start sobbing again.

"Midoriya?" Kirishima says my name and I look at him again.

"What is it Kirishima....?" I say, tears streaming down my face.

"Umm....what.....what are you doing in the rain....don't you have a lair or something....?" He says in a bit of anger in his voice.

"No....I ran away...." I respond.

"...why?..." Kirishima asks, in a calmer way.

"I didn't want to be with the villians anymore..." I respond.

"..." Kirishima remained silent and seemed to be searching for a weapon on me but finds none.

"Please Kirishima! None of this was my fault! The villians ejected something into me, making my whole personality change! Please! You gotta believe me! I never wanted to become a villian!" I sob even harder.

"I believe you Midoriya. Let me take you to my house..." Kirishima softly smiled and I just nodded and stood up, hugging myself to keep warm.

At Kirishima's House

I walk into the front door right after Kirishima and close the door behind me.

"I'm home mom!" Kirishima called to his mom.

His mom walks out of the kitchen, "Welcome home Kiri----whose he?" She asks pointing to Midoriya.

"He is one of my closest friends. I found him in the alley and offered to take him here." Kirishima responds.

"Oh that's sweet of you Kiri." His mom smiled.

"Let's go Deku." Kirishima looks at me.

"Wait! Deku?! Isn't that the one you said joined the League of Villians and threatened to kill that (y/n) girl!?" His mom's eyes widened in shock.
I sighed and avoided eye contact with Kirishima's mom's eyes.

"Yes mom but he was under the villians control and doesn't know most of what happened." Kirishima assured her.

"Oh okay. I trust you Kiri..." his mom said doublefully but went back to what she was doing.

Kirishima led me to his bedroom and when we arrived, he closed the door and handed me a towel. I dried my hair with it then wrapped it around my shoulders.

"May I ask you something Midoriya?" Kirishima asked.

"Sure. What is it Kirishima?" I answer and look at him.

"What made you 'join' the villians?" He asked.

My breath hitched in my throat, "To be honest, I was jealous because I saw Todoroki hug (y/n) and kiss her cheek..."

"Oh...Midoriya..." Kirishima sighed, "(y/n) was having an emotional moment and Todoroki was just trying to cheer her up."

"What...?" I sat shocked and look away, "I feel like a complete idiot now..."

"You're not an idiot Midoriya. You didn't know...just next time, try not to jump to conclusions before you have the full story. Okay?" Kirishima chuckled, causing me to chuckle a bit as well.

"Kirishima? May I ask you something now?" I say, getting serious again.

"Sure." Kirishima responds.

"Do you know where (y/n) is? I went to her house and she wasn't there..." I asked.

"Midoriya...she went to the U.S.A with Endeavour and Todoroki..." Kirishima reasponds which makes me start crying again.

"W-when w-will s-she b-be b-back?" I ask through sobs.

"She said about 3 years. Don't go after her, just give her some time." Kirishima said as I continued.

"But I don't know what to do without her....." I cry.

"I know Midoriya just be patient. After all, you did scare her when you became a villian." Kirishima says with a sigh.

"You're right. I'll do it for her sake..." I say.

Did you really think I'd leave our beloved broccoli boy without knowing where his beautiful princess was. Hell no! I don't want him to be depressed 24/7. ÙvÚ
Love you all so much and thank you IceCreamkitty100 for your wonderful art. I will remember you.💕💕💕


I Will Kill For You [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon