Chapter Four

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Hello, my wolfies! I'm back with another part of "I will kill for your love, princess." Now all this chapter will be a flashback with a little present time towards the end of this story to show how (y/n) reacts due to the memory she had.
Anyways, can we PLEASE get this story to 110 reads? I would greatly appreciate it because it would be very exciting and motivational to see that people are enjoying my work. I hope to see that. Hope you enjoy it!


*Beginning of Flashback*

New day. New school. New friends. Unfamiliar teachers....again. This is about the fifth time moving since my dad passed away six months ago. You sigh and sigh while getting into your school uniform. I got to make a great first impression. U.A is the highest-ranked hero training school so I have got to give myself a good first-day reputation. You think as you grab your school bag and head downstairs and are greeted by your mom.

"Have a good first-day sweetie." Your mom kisses your head and hands you waffles.

"Thank you, mom!" You smile and walk out of the house to your school.

You walk looking at your phone because you were texting your best friend named, Sakura. (A/N: The Sakura used in this is one of my PCs. Her full name is Sakura Akamine.)

Sakura: How beautiful is Japan (Y/N)?

You: It is very beautiful, Sakura. Though the drive was kind of ugly.😐

Sakura: welp! Lol! That's nice!😂

You: How are things back home?

Sakura: well, Charlie asked me out. Trish is going crazy over some new kid that arrived yesterday. Tyler just discovered his quirk. So, not much is going on. Lol😂

You: well, okay then. Lol😂


You: well, I should go now cuz I'm at school now.😑 not looking forward to it.

Sakura: awe man! Okay. Talk later?

You: yeah! Ofc! Talk later!

Phone server: This user has gone offline.

Phone server: Are you sure you want to proceed to go offline?
You: yes, I am sure.
Phone server: Okay. You are now offline.

You put your phone in your school bag and stopped once you hit the U.A school entrance. Well, this school is maximum security. That's for sure. You roll your eyes and walk onto the school grounds. You can do this (y/n)! You exhale then inhale as you walk into the school. Now, where is class 1-A at? You look around and see an ashy-haired boy. He looks scary so I won't ask him. You look around and see other people who could help you but due to your social anxiety. You just bite your lip and choose to look around for the class yourself.

*Flashback in Bakugo's P.O.V (first person)*

Ugh! Kirishima will not stop his yapping about the new school year. I'm getting to the point where I want to punch his face. I rub the bridge of my nose to calm myself so my thoughts don't become reality. I look around as I tune out Kirishima's yapping. I see an (h/c) haired girl looking around. She must be another first year here in U.A. I think and continue looking at her. I see her glance at me and I immediately turn my gaze away. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her quickly walk the other way. Why the--- never mind. I don't fucking care. I look back at Kirishima who was STILL chatting. Ugh! This dude will get on my fucking nerves! When Kirishima finally stopped talking we both headed to our homeroom.

*back to (y/n)'s POV (2nd person)*

You cluelessly wander around U.A not knowing where your class was. I am completely lost now. You bite your lips nervously. I should've applied for that U.A tour over the summer. You think and suddenly run to a broccoli colored hair boy. What am I doing? You are confused about what was going on. You bumped into him by accident. Welp!

"I am so sorry!" You apologize and bow.

***Blah, blah, blah time skip cuz I'm lazy. Midoriya introduced himself, invited her to the park, and now they are at the park**

"So, how was your first day of school (y/n)?" Midoriya asks.

"Good. What about you?" You ask him.

"Good as well." Midoriya smiled.

"I'm so glad I met you." You smile, "you are so kind, helpful, selfless, and funny. Please don't ever change."

"I won't. You can trust me (y/n)." Midoriya smiles and hugs you.

You hug back, "good!"

*end of flashback*

Lies! All you said was lies Deku! Lies! Lies! And more lies! You said you'd never change and here you are as a villain seeking revenge on God knows who! You scream into your pillow and start sobbing. Why Deku? Why?! You continue to cry but you mute your cries by forcing your head under the pillow so no one hears. This... hurts so bad! Why'd you have to do this Deku? You cry a bit more and eventually fall asleep, eyes stained with tears.

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