Chapter Twenty

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•Suicidal thoughts
•Suicidal attempts

Please do NOT try to kill yourself in real life. Live your life fully on this earth. Don't end your life early.

Your P.O.V

What is the point of living if I have no one to live for? This question rang in my mind as continued to wander around Tokyo. It was a big city and I could easily get lost. I knew that but didn't care at this moment. I was so broken and bruised mentally that I practically got numb but I could still feel a feeling of great sorrow that was covering my heart slowly but surely. Eventually, I would melt away permanently.

"This isn't how I pictured my life to turn out." I sobbed, knowing that no one could hear because of the roaring noise of the rain hitting the roads and rooftops.

It was true, I didn't know why my life had just been screwed up even more than it had already. I found myself in front of my sister's house. I sighed and walked inside. It was quiet and eerie just walking inside now that my sister had gone. I head to the kitchen and see the steak knives that my sister had. I walk over to them and take one and start cutting my wrists but I hear a disembodied voice in my head saying: 'Don't do this. Don't do this. Don't do this.' I don't listen to the voice but my body seems to be moving on its own and I put the knife down and walk to the bathroom where I find the first aid kit. I then wrap my arm in a bandage that was in the first aid kit.
I put the kit away and head to my bedroom where I spent most of my time when I was angry with my sister. Now being here, my heart breaks that I barely got any time with my sister due to my uncontrollable anger. I lay down on my bed and begin to cry. I took out my phone and pulled up Todoroki's contact. I completely forgot I had his phone number. I begin typing a message.

You: Todoroki?

🍭Peppermint boi🍭: Oh hey (your name)! What's up?

You: Can I stay over at your house?

🍭Peppermint boi🍭: Why (your name)?

You: I'll explain later.

🍭Peppermint boi🍭: Okay. Sure. See you in a bit.

You: Okay. Send me your address.

🍭Peppermint boi🍭: Okay. It is ***** Southern Blossom Drive.

You: Thank you.

🍭Peppermint boi🍭: No problem.

I put my phone down and change my outfit into something casual and comfortable and then pack a suitcase with my clothes and bathroom essentials then I zip it up and leave my room then I turn off all the lights but when I turn off the in the kitchen I freeze when I see a dark figure just standing there.

"Midoriya, if that is you, leave me alone. I said I don't want to see you." I say, anger boiling in my veins. I received no reply though. I turn on the lights again and see nothing there. I turn off the light again and the dark figure returns. I feel a spark of fear in my body.

"Hello?" I say trying to control my voice.

"Don't leave me (your name)." The dark figure speaks causing me to back up.

I Will Kill For You [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang