Chapter Nineteen

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What am I doing here? Oh right! I'm writing to you! Halo! Author-chan is back in business (While lying in bed sick and too weak to walk. What is my life? T-T)

A murder takes place in this chapter. Reader discretion is advised.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this part.

(Sister's name)'s P.O.V

After that fight with my sister, (your name), I didn't know what to do anymore. I want to protect my younger sister but I can't do that if she keeps pushing me away. I thought and stood up, wiping my tears, and goes to get punched. I close my mind and think of positive memories of Me and (your name).


"Get back here you little stinker!" I had called 6-year-old (your name) who was running around the house with my phone.

"You can't catch me sissy!" (Your name) continued running.

"Oh yes, I can!" I called back and sped up my speed but (your name) still ran faster.

"Nope!" (Your name) laughs but she was tackled by me and I started tickling her causing (your name) to drop my phone.

"Gotcha!" I continued tickling (your name).

"Hey! That's not fair!" (Your name) whined while laughing.

End of Flashback

Tears streamed down my cheek as I lost my appetite and threw the punch in the trash and walked outside and into the alley and started sobbing. I heard a noise come from the darkness of the alley and turned to where I thought I heard the noise from.

"Whose there?! Show yourself!" I demand but get no answer, "Answer me!"

"No wonder (your name) hates you so much. You are pathetic and pushy." A deep male voice responded which scared me.

"how do you know my sister?" I asked, sweat dripping down my forehead.

"Let's just say I'm an old friend of hers." The male responded in an eerie voice.

"Wait! Old friend? You're her stalker?! Aren't you?!" I hiss.

"So? Did she tell you? Eh?" The male comes out of the shadows and I recognize him immediately.

"You're the kid from the Sports festival! Aren't you?!" I say.

I immediately freeze when I feel a blade against my throat. Where'd he get the knife?! I think in pure horror.

"We don't speak of that. You got me?" He whispered in my ear.

"Why?!" I attempted to back up but the kid had a firm grip on my wrist. How is this boy so strong?! I think and continue to struggle against him but I see that he is taller than me.

"Don't ask questions!" I feel him move behind me, his blade still at my throat.

"You wouldn't dare kill me!" I growled, "I am all (your name) gots! She needs me!"

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