Chapter Ten

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It was after a few months since you moved to Tokyo with your sister and her boyfriend. You didn't like him that much but you didn't want to complain to your sister because she loved him a lot. You've heard some unsettling sounds coming from your sister's room. Eww! Can you guys like to keep it down?! You think and walk out the door of your sister's house after grabbing a hoodie from the coat closet. You put the hood on and walked down the dimly lit streets of Tokyo. Your sister lived in a quiet and somehow eerie neighborhood. It wasn't like a ghost neighborhood, it was just deadly silent. It scared you so you stayed under the street lights that were on her street. You could've sworn you heard shuffling in the nearby bushes. You freeze and look over there, seeing a dark figure.

"Is anyone there?" You ask into the darkness but no reply, "Hello?"

"You can't escape me (your name). I am with you now and forever..." You hear a deep male voice come from the darkness. You recognize it immediately and adrenaline rushes through your frozen body.

"Why can't you just leave me alone Dammit!" You curse and feel a presence behind you and you snap your head around and see Izuku behind you. You fall back but he catches you mid-air.

"Good girls like you shouldn't use such strong language to their future lover..." Izuku whispered feverishly into your ear.

"Go away! You're scaring me!" You yell and fight against his strength but fail.

"Tsk. Trying to escape? Eh? Not so smart my love..." Izuku lowered his red eyes.

"I AM NOT YOUR LOVE DAMMIT! YOU AREN'T EVEN IZUKU! YOU'RE AN IMPOSTER!!!" You snap and spit in his face then run back to your sister's house crying as you slam the front door shut and slide yourself down the door, "...I miss you Izuku...."

Your sister runs out with a blanket around her body. You turn away from her.

"What's wrong (your name)?!" She asks concerned.

"Dammit! I'm still being stalked! I'm afraid of my life and here you are having fun with your freaking boyfriend while MY life is on the line!!! Oh, wait, YOU DON'T CARE!!! I MEAN SERIOUSLY, ALL YOU DO IS HANG OUT WITH YOUR PLAYER OF A BOYFRIEND!!! I WOULD RATHER BE IN FOSTER CARE THAN BE WITH YOU AND HEAR THOSE SOUNDS COME OUT OF YOUR ROOM!!! GOSH DANG! YOU'RE PROBABLY THE REASON DAD LEFT!!" You yelled and your sister was about to speak and but you put your hand up like you didn't want to hear what she had to say, "DON'T SPEAK JUST...JUST SHUT UP AND GO TO HELL!" You run to your room and slam your door and lock it and sob on your bed.

Your sister fell to her knees and started crying into her lap. Her boyfriend wrapped his arms around her shoulder and she slapped them off and rushed to get dressed and reason with her sister. She goes up to your room and is about to knock when she hears heavy sobbing coming from your room. She gains enough strength to knock.

"GO AWAY!" You shout at her.

"Listen to me, I didn't know you were still being stalked by that psycho." Your sister says, sounding helpless.

"That's because you are too focused on your life to even think about your sister!" You continue shouting while sobbing.

"Look! I'm sorry!" Your sister starts crying but it doesn't affect you.

"Just go away (sister's name)!" You say not wanting to speak further to her.

Weeks passed and you still haven't talked to your sister after that incident. She felt horrible about what she did when she broke up with her boyfriend of 3 months. When she tried to talk to you, you shunned her away. Eventually, it was time for your mother's funeral. You'll admit, you were very moody. You got dressed in funeral-appropriate attire.

You did your hair and makeup because you didn't want your sister to even touch you.

The service lasted about an hour and it was a sad after-party with everyone that attended the funeral of your mother. You missed her a lot. No one, not even your sister knew how close you were to her. Suddenly, someone grabs your wrist and pulls you away from the crowd and into a corner where they pin you to a wall. Your hands are above your head. You recognized the cologne. It was the boy you so desperately wanted to escape, Izuku Midoriya.

"What do you want?" You snap at him.

"I want you to be mine. Is it that much to ask?" Midoriya said with an unusually polite tone. You saw his eyes were their normal color, "(your name)...please stay with me...this is the only way to get out of this cursed spell that the villains placed on me..." You felt a surge of sadness wash over you. This was YOUR Izuku talking not the one you despised so much.

"Please (your name). I can't live without you." Midoriya pleaded as he placed his face in the crook of your neck, you felt warm tears dripping on your (s/c) colored skin. He is crying? You question yourself and hug him.

"I will when I can leave my God Forbidden sister's house. Okay, Izuku?" You say running your hand through his thick green hair.

"Okay (your name). I'll be waiting for you." He pulls away from you and smiles his sweet smile then vanishes.

"(Your name)!" Your sister calls to you and you groan in frustration then push past her and head to a bathroom and look at your reflection in the mirror and remember Izuku's last words before he vanished: "I'll be waiting for you."
Was that him? You puzzle over that question as you look into your reflection. Should I go with him now or should I go to him when I move out? Ugh! I'll just wait till I am old enough. You finally decide and sigh then wash the makeup off your face.

I hope you enjoyed this part. The next part will be in Todoroki's P.O.V on (your name) Moving

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