Chapter Eleven

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This story will be in Todoroki's P.O.V. hope you enjoy this part.

Todoroki's P.O.V

It had been months since (your name) moved to Tokyo with her sister. I forgot to get her number so I can't contact her to know if she is okay. She was so scared when she left. She told me that Izuku kept haunting her dreams turning them into complete nightmares. I will admit, I I mean miss her. I never got the chance to tell her how I felt about her. I stare out the window of my dorm room. I haven't been doing so hot in school either. No pun intended. I'm always so distracted by looking at (your name)'s vacant desk in Class 1-A, we are so close to ending our 1st year of U.A. It will probably be 3 more years until we see (your name) again. I started tearing up and sat on my bed, letting the tears flow down my face.

"Dammit (your name)...why'd you have to leave me here alone?" I curse and continue crying. I wanted to talk to her so badly but I think the only one who had her phone number is that traitor, Izuku Midoriya. Just thinking that made my throat go dry because he of all people has her phone number.

"I hope she is okay..." I sigh to myself and leave my dorm room then exit the dorm. I headed to the park and sat on a bench. Seeing all the couples passing by made me feel even more heartbroken because I always think: Me and (your name) could've been walking like all the couples here if I wasn't so chicken in telling her how I felt. That thought always overwhelmed my head. I started crying again. I looked at the blue sky that was gray in my eyes without (your name) at my side. I wonder what she is doing right now. Probably enjoying the embrace of another man...Dammit...stop thinking that...I mentally slap myself for thinking that. I look at the grass and how it sways in the breeze. It reminded me of (your name) dancing when her favorite song came on and how I danced with her. She was so flustered when I started dancing with her. I chuckle at the memory but continue crying.

"I miss her so much..." Todoroki mumbled.

I got up off the bench and bumped into someone while walking. I mumbled a small apology only to earn a chuckle from the person I bumped into. I looked up at the person and fell into pure horror and anger when I saw Midoriya under the black hood.

"I-izuku? What are you doing here?" I ask in a noticeable fearful tone.

"Wow, Todoroki. After seeing an old friend, this is how I'm greeted. You haven't changed one bit. Have you?" Midoriya spoke in a low and creepy manner.

"You were hardly a friend Izuku..." I insult the green-haired boy who acts disappointed.

"Well ouch. That cut very deep." Izuku sighs and looks up at Todoroki again with his crimson eyes.

This isn't Deku at all...I think even though I already knew that information. I look at Midoriya with hatred burning in my eyes.

"Oh, don't give me that look like you wanna kill me..." Midoriya sighed again.

"I have the right to kill a villain," I mumble and it seems Midoriya could hear.

"Tsk. Remember what Mr. Aizawa said. You can't hurt anyone even villains." Midoriya clicked his tongue.

"Unbelievable...what made you like this Midoriya?" I look down at the green grass.

"I chose this path and I'm willing to keep walking it. can I tell you a little secret Todoroki?" Midoriya asks as he circles around me. I so badly wanted to burn him alive. I slightly nod.

"Clever choice. You're not as dumb as you look Todoroki." Midoriya smirks.

"Shut up and spill it Deku!" I growl.

"So pushy, fine. I rigged the plane (your name)'s mother was on to get her out of my way from getting to my love." Midoriya stops and whispers into my ear, earning a low growl.

"Burn in hell!" I insult him again.

"Oh Todoroki, I live in hell," Midoriya said coolly and eerily calm.

"You know how much (your name)'s mom meant to her but you had to go and ruin her life more than fix it!" I snap.

"Her mom was in my way so I had to do something. Her sister is next." Midoriya smirked and vanished before my eyes. I looked around for him but didn't spot him anywhere. I had a rush of adrenaline in my veins. Oh, God. (Your name)'s sister is all she has left. We don't know where her father is. I need to contact her somehow. Hmm? Maybe I could ask Uraraka if she has (your name)'s phone number. I think and start running back to the U.A dorms.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you all for so many reads. It ups my motivation! Requests are closed for now but I'll open them once I need some ideas. Imma a person to give shout-outs to if you give me an idea. I'll shout out to you.

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